Graduation happens once in a lifetime. That is why he should leave only the most vivid and unforgettable impressions. But in order to hold it at the highest level, you will need to work hard, plan everything in advance, think over to the smallest detail and - most importantly - have a positive attitude.

Parents' meeting: the main issues on the agenda
In order to avoid unnecessary fuss and without haste to solve the main school issues, a parent meeting is usually held in September, at which the further fate of the prom is determined.
The key points in such a meeting are:
- the place of the graduation ceremony;
- entertainment and main program;
- choice of photographer and cameraman;
- transport;
- gifts from school graduates.
Selecting a Graduation Venue
When discussing the best place for your prom, don't miss out on the following options.
1. Restaurant. Such an institution is the most popular place to celebrate graduation. Everything is included here: music, table, service.
However, having a prom in a restaurant is not a cheap pleasure. And parents will have to shell out a pretty decent amount, which will be easier to collect gradually, starting from the beginning of the school year.
2. Cafe, bar, night club. This is usually a fallback if the restaurant is busy. The only negative is the small room. And everyone who wants to share the holiday with graduates will feel cramped and uncomfortable.
3. School (assembly hall, dining room). It is rather an economy option. Unfortunately, the celebration of graduation at school often lacks enchanting and chic.
4. Motor ship. The best option is only for those cities that have water bodies nearby. However, if you have the opportunity to hold a graduation party on a boat, the evening will surely be filled with romance.
Choosing a prom program and other necessary details
The whole evening just sitting there, sometimes distracted by dancing, is too banal and boring. That is why it is necessary to think over the program to the smallest detail. It can be a retro theme party or, conversely, in the spirit of the 18th century.
A costume party is a rather original option for a prom, and the girls will certainly support this idea. Further, depending on the choice of the theme of the whole evening, it is worth compiling a script, coming up with contests, games and other interesting entertainment.
The most important thing is to try not to repeat the versions of the graduation ceremony of previous years and create something of your own, close in spirit only to your class.
For help, you can contact the holiday agency and they, taking into account all your wishes, will certainly make your holiday the brightest and most unforgettable. But this will also entail monetary costs. Although, on the other hand, graduation happens only once in a lifetime!
Usually, all issues related to the preparation of the graduation ceremony are decided by the parents themselves, but the children should also not stand aside. The class members can independently prepare a "skit" - a short program with comic performances, parodies and one joint farewell performance as a gift to teachers.
Remember, it's not so important "where" to hold the graduation ceremony. The main thing is “how” and “with whom”. More positive, energy, joy - and the evening will certainly be a success!