People consider their student years to be one of the best in their lives and remember them with pleasure. Often there is a desire to see those who were sitting next to the audience, with whom they once talked, went “for potatoes” or went on hikes, shared joys and difficulties. But organizing a meeting of classmates is not so easy, because many of them have dispersed not only to other cities, but all over the world. And yet, if your desire to meet is huge, such a meeting is real.

Step 1
First, think about the format in which you would like to hold the meeting, and in what place - just get together with the whole group in a cafe (or in nature) and have a pleasant evening, having talked from the heart about the old times and the present, or do it for the whole course on official level, within the walls of the university, with the invitation of teachers. Or, maybe, hold a grand event in which graduates of different years will take part. Or, you may want to spend the evening of the meeting at home and decide to cook the treat yourself.
Step 2
Try to contact as many people as possible in any way available to you - in person, by phone, via Skype, social networks, etc., and present your idea to them. Ask everyone you were able to communicate with to inform other classmates with whom you did not speak about the upcoming meeting.
Step 3
Post information about the meeting on the Internet and at the university where you studied. Remember that an appointment should be made several months in advance - preferably from 3 to six months in order to have time to notify everyone and "settle" all organizational issues.
Step 4
Determine the theme of the evening, because even if you chose the option of ordinary gatherings in a cafe, then there you will not silently chew and digest dinner. Think over a rough plan of the event - who can speak for whom, what to talk about, etc. But your meeting will be more interesting if you make it thematic. For example, to devote it to bardic songs, music and everyday life of those years when you studied, to beat those professions that you received at the university, etc.
Step 5
Think about the script, musical accompaniment and host of your evening, whether you will host it yourself or invite professionals for this. It’s not bad if the meeting was revived by holding some contests that would organically fit into the topic of the meeting.
Step 6
It will be nice if you manage to send out a questionnaire and get an answer from graduates about their marital status, place of work, interests, travels, etc. This will make it possible, firstly, to use the information received when drawing up a script and, secondly, to take into account some delicate moments that cannot be mentioned at the evening.
Step 7
Collect everything that will help you immerse yourself in the atmosphere of those years when you graduated from college. These can be various photographs, filming with a movie camera or video, notes in newspapers, wall newspapers, some notes, etc. Based on this material, you can organize a collective viewing, create a wall newspaper, record on a DVD and then give it to your friends and teachers.
Step 8
Try to think through all the necessary financial costs. These can be: - rent for a hall in a cafe; - details of room decoration; - services of presenters, photographer, videographer, etc.; - production of photo and video products; - flowers and gifts for teachers; - approximate dinner menu, juices, fruits, coffee, etc.
Step 9
After that, identify the sources of the money. You can just fold and collect the required amount together, negotiate with the most affluent classmates or find sponsors. In the latter case, your script may need to take into account promotional points.
Step 10
Please note that some of the graduates will come from other regions, and perhaps even from abroad, and will need a hotel or at least a place in a hostel. It is possible that you will have to solve this organizational moment with the help of the administration (if necessary, a hostel).
Step 11
Write and send all invitations, in which indicate the date of the meeting, place and program, as well as the amount of registration fee and the approximate cost of the dinner.