When planning your activities, be sure to consider the preparation time. Even the simplest conference for five to ten people requires clear organization and timing. In addition, it will be much easier for the department to work with a preliminary plan.

Step 1
Write an action plan immediately for the year. This will allow, firstly, to calculate an approximate budget. Secondly, to distribute the amount of work among employees. Thirdly, if you plan to attract sponsors, you will immediately send them a full list so that they can choose a promotion to their liking.
Step 2
Break down your activity plan by month. Write in the annual, permanent first. Then new ones that have not been held before. Better to make a table in Excel. This will allow you to edit the plan as new promotions are added.
Step 3
In the table, make seven columns and as many rows as there are scheduled events. The first column is a sequential number. Designate it simply No. The second is the name of the event. The third is the date of the event. The fourth is a description. The fifth is the budget. The sixth is the name and surname of the manager responsible for the organization. The seventh is notes. Here you will write all the useful information that you did not cover in the previous cells.
Step 4
The fourth column "Description" requires decryption. Place a rough plan of the event there. How many guests will be invited. It will be a buffet table or a banquet. Indicate the venue (conference room, restaurant, hotel lobby). Write down which companies can be attracted as sponsors. What is the purpose of the event. Do I need to order souvenirs and invitations in advance. All this will help the organization of the event and its approval by the management.