On August 17, Argentines commemorate General Francisco de San Martin. This courageous and outstanding person, who contributes to the liberation of the Latin American peoples from the yoke of the Spanish colonialists, is revered in the country as a saint and has kept his memory for more than a century and a half.

General San Martin is a national hero of Argentina, a famous fighter for the country's independence and a talented military leader. In 1812, the general created a patriotic society, and then began to form a liberation army, which for the next four years fought for the independence of Latin American countries from Spain. Having achieved the liberation of his homeland, he sent an army with the same mission to Chile, and then to Peru, where he headed the new government.
General San Martin died on August 17, 1850, and ever since then, Argentines have paid tribute to their hero. This holiday is a state holiday, therefore it is a day off. The ashes of the commander was transported from France, where he died, and to this day is kept in the Central Cathedral of Buenos Aires.
On the Day of Remembrance of General San Martin, festive services are held in the temple. Monuments to the hero-liberator have been erected in many squares of Argentine cities, and on August 17, thousands of people gather around them, who have come to honor the memory of General San Martin. In 2000, on the 150th anniversary of his death, a military parade was held in the center of Buenos Aires. About 4.5 thousand servicemen took part in it, including from other countries of South America - Brazil, Bolivia, Ecuador, Chile, Uruguay and Paraguay. Armored troops marched through the streets, and dozens of combat aircraft flew in the sky. This large-scale event in honor of General San Martin was chaired by the country's President De La Rua.
In the burial place of the general, the Cathedral of Buenos Aires, a tombstone was installed in 1880, created by the French sculptor Beliose and is the main attraction of the temple. Grenadiers, elite soldiers of the infantry and cavalry are constantly on duty next to him. The initiator of the creation of this unit of troops at one time was General San Martin. He also came up with some details of the armament and uniforms of the real Argentine army.