The Historical Festival is a mass celebration in which men and women, dressed in costumes from a particular era, compete in duels, dance ancient dances, listen to music characteristic of the chosen time, and communicate with each other. Such an event is interesting both for its participants and for outside spectators.

The historical reconstruction is quite young. In the CIS countries, it originated in the early 90s and quickly spread among people who are fond of history, medieval art, historical novels. Reenactors are engaged in the reconstruction of the material and spiritual culture of their chosen era - they sew clothes, make jewelry and make swords, using reliable sources, study painting, music and dances characteristic of that time. From time to time, the clubs organize historical festivals, in which anyone can take part.
Typically, a historical festival is dedicated to a specific era or event. Participants start preparing in advance. Ladies and gentlemen sew costumes and learn dances that will be at the ball. Knights prepare armor and weapons for battle. Bands playing medieval music are invited for performances, as well as artisans who create shoes, bags, wallets and antique jewelry.
The Historical Festival is a celebration for reenactors. This is an opportunity to plunge into your favorite era and communicate with like-minded people, perform dances in ballroom costumes in a specially equipped room, listen to live music, learn about upcoming festivals and purchase artisan products that are quite difficult to get in everyday life. And if a battle is being reenacted at the festival, this is a chance to feel like a real warrior and show that a homemade sword is good not only in demonstration fights.
There are usually many guests at historical festivals. For people who came to see the festival, it is a bright and colorful show where you can admire the brave warriors and beautiful ladies, listen to original music, taste real medieval cuisine and take away unusual souvenirs. Some historical festivals are very popular and attract spectators from all over the world. Often, major festivals are held annually in castles or on the sites of real battles.