What To Give A Teacher For Teacher's Day

What To Give A Teacher For Teacher's Day
What To Give A Teacher For Teacher's Day

In early October, Russian teachers traditionally celebrate their professional holiday. Only a wonderful tradition confuses students and parents, who are puzzled over what to give to their beloved teacher. I would like the gift to be not trivial and bring joy to the teacher for a long time.

What to give a teacher for Teacher's Day
What to give a teacher for Teacher's Day

If you want to give something memorable, but funds do not allow you to make a rich gift, you can come up with a low-budget version of the original congratulation.

Bouquet of autumn leaves. Autumn foliage has all the qualities of dried flowers, you can collect beautiful leaves in the forest and make a beautiful bouquet from them. Maple leaves easily fold into beautiful roses, and mountain ash brushes will stand for a long time without dropping berries. Just do not forget to treat each sheet with hairspray. So the bouquet will delight your teacher for many days.

Collage of cool photos. Surely during the year you have collected a lot of photos in which your favorite teacher is among the students. Collect them all on a piece of Whatman paper and fill out with original signatures and drawings. Arrange photos in artistic clutter to avoid formality. If you turn to a professional artist, he can make a real masterpiece out of a simple wall newspaper, looking at which your teacher will be charged with a good mood.

Festive mood in the workplace. Make an appointment with the principal and the school guard in advance and decorate the class in which the lessons are taking place on the eve of the holiday. The scope for your imagination is simply endless. Buy colored chalk and write warm words for your teacher on the chalkboard. Attach garlands, bows and balls of all kinds of colors to the curtains and wallpaper. Wrap the globe in gold paper. Make a kind of throne out of the chair, decorating it with fresh flowers.

Chocolate bouquet. Avoid banal candy boxes in favor of chocolate flowers. Nowadays, there are a lot of different sweets on sale in the original wrapper. Also on sale you can find sweets, which are sold individually in the form of a flower on a long stem. Give each child one chocolate rose before entering class. By the beginning of classes, the teacher will have a whole bouquet. If you combine chocolate and real buds, you can be sure that your teacher has never received such a bouquet during his entire work.
