In recent years, large and not so big companies have necessarily organized their birthday celebrations. Firstly, such events contribute to the development of corporate culture, and secondly, they attract new clients. If you have a small company whose budget is limited, then you should not splurge on competitors and potential partners, spending the holiday on an unprecedented scale. A decent corporate party can be organized on your own.

Step 1
Visit a good catering restaurant and order a festive menu. At least one month prior to company day, designate a respected team member to be responsible for shaping the entertainment program, and you will learn what your people are capable of and what hidden talents they have. After all, almost every person wants not only he alone to know about his creative inclinations. Do not forget to allocate money for prizes and gifts to the participants of the contests.
Step 2
If funds allow, you can contact one of the agencies involved in organizing and conducting such events. Together with the manager of the agency, choose an entertainer and a scenario for the next evening, which often depends on where the celebration will be held. It can be one of the restaurants, clubs, country boarding houses. And firms that have more than a decent budget usually give all their employees vouchers to one of the world's resorts, where a festive party is organized.
Step 3
Don't forget to advertise your company ahead of the holiday. Anniversary sales and sweepstakes for buyers and customers can be held throughout the year. Contact an advertising agency and order outdoor advertising that would inform potential customers about your products and services and grandiose promotions in honor of the anniversary. If there is more than one year before the round date, hold several promotions about a month before your birthday. Please note: Based on the seasonal demand for your products, you can slightly adjust the actual date of the company day.
Step 4
Make sure that during the celebration, none of the employees of your company is left on the sidelines. In your welcome speech to employees and guests of the evening, be sure to mention the merits of each employee. If the team of your organization is quite large, congratulate the heads of departments and especially note those subordinates who contributed to the development of the company not in words, but in deeds. You can reward them with cash or valuable gifts. Every employee or regular customer should receive a special holiday kit from the company with its logos, from T-shirts and baseball caps to exclusive pens, watches and Bohemian crystal.