How The British Celebrate The New Year Holidays

How The British Celebrate The New Year Holidays
How The British Celebrate The New Year Holidays

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New Year's holidays are very popular in many countries around the world. They are celebrated with a particularly joyful mood, accompanied by faith in fairy tales and magic. England was no exception in terms of New Year's holiday traditions.

How the British celebrate the New Year holidays
How the British celebrate the New Year holidays


Step 1

In England, from ancient times to the present day, the tradition of hand-making decorations for Christmas candles from bright ribbons, gold foil, colored paper and other materials has been preserved. This is mainly done by women. On the eve of Christmas, candles with these decorations are lit in many homes, announcing the birth of Jesus Christ to the whole world.

Step 2

The British love to decorate the Christmas tree. This custom originated during the reign of Queen Victoria in the 19th century. Since then, the elegant tree has become an indispensable Christmas symbol of this country. Also, houses are decorated with sprigs of mistletoe and holly - plants that, according to legend, have magical powers.

Step 3

The largest ornate tree, 20 meters high, is set in London's Trafalgar Square and is decorated with vertical garlands. Thousands of people gather around this tree and perform Christmas carols.

Step 4

In England, at Christmas, it is customary to give each other gifts. Young residents believe in Christmas grandfather - an analogue of the Russian Father Frost. They write him notes with their cherished desires and burn the sheets in the fireplace. Above the fireplace, special Christmas stockings are hung, in which the long-awaited gifts miraculously appear on the morning of December 25. Since the middle of the 19th century, there has been a tradition in England to congratulate each other with Christmas cards.

Step 5

A festive lunch on Christmas Day takes place in the afternoon. The whole family gathers at a beautifully served table. Traditional English Christmas dishes are stuffed or roasted turkey and Christmas pudding.

Step 6

New Year in England is considered not as significant a holiday as Christmas. The British celebrate the New Year with friends or family. The holiday begins at about eight in the evening and can continue until the morning. Traditional drinks on this evening are wine, gin, beer, whiskey, punch. Snacks are served with drinks - cold meat, biscuits, sandwiches. At midnight, everyone, having fun and joking, listens to the fight of Big Ben - the famous English clock. Numerous bars and discos are open on this night, and many people go to have fun. In the squares of London, you can also see crowds of cheerful people celebrating the New Year. January 1 is an official holiday in the UK.
