The opening of the summer cottage season pleases all lovers of fresh air, nature and barbecue. The whole family prepares for the trip, collecting numerous bags and boxes. May holidays are a great opportunity to be at the dacha together, enjoying relaxation and the scent of a blooming garden.

First, you will have to work for several hours, then to spend all the holidays in comfort and cleanliness. During the long Russian winter, summer cottages get cold and soaked in moisture. The air becomes musty and all furnishings become dusty. If you effectively distribute all the work, entrusting each family member with a feasible task, you will quickly cope with the problem. After that, the women will prepare the table, and the men will prepare the barbecue or light the fire. The simplest and fastest-to-prepare food goes well in the open air. Vegetables can be cut into large slices and placed on lettuce leaves, seasoned with a little vegetable oil. Green onions, parsley and dill do not need any processing other than washing. Serve boiled potatoes and your vegetables with herbs with a fragrant kebab. A variety of fruits and drinks will complement the table. In good weather, of course, it is better to sit outside. Meanwhile, the warm spring breeze will drive the heavy air out of the country house, and the bedding hung on the fence will warm the sun. After a hearty meal, rest a little, hang a hammock, make fresh bed linen. After a peaceful nap, go greet your neighbors in the country. You have many topics for conversation. Share your summer plans and listen to the thoughts of your interlocutors. If you have developed friendly relations with your neighbors, you can invite them to dinner with wine. The rest of the holidays with your family in the country should be devoted to the garden and vegetable garden. Break up the beds, cultivate the land, plant plants. If you are not doing so much work at your dacha, just clean up the territory. Decorate the flower beds and touch up the paths. Play games on the lot. Badminton will amuse young people, chess, checkers or dominoes will keep older members of your family busy. Children and themselves will find something to do by messing around in the sandbox. Hang a swing for them and take out the plastic toys. Entertain the little ones with soap bubbles. Your summer cottage is a great opportunity to be more outdoors, away from city noise and harmful smog.