Victory Day was celebrated as the most important and brightest holiday on the territory of the Soviet Union, and then in almost all countries formed in the post-Soviet space. Many events dedicated to the Victory of the Soviet Union over the Nazi invaders are still held officially in almost every city in Russia, and a significant part of people approve of this. But many believe that Victory Day should be celebrated in a different way - like the Day of Sorrow or the Day of Remembrance of the millions of innocent victims of the war.

Step 1
The format in which you want to celebrate this day depends on your personal views on the events of the war. First of all, you will have the opportunity to attend official events organized by the municipal authorities. On this day, as a rule, rallies are held at the monuments to the fallen soldiers and solemn processions, in which many townspeople take part. Often, active military units participate in parades. Even if you are not involved in mass events, you may enjoy a beautifully thought-out sight. In addition, if you are patriotic, you can take part in the annual St. George Ribbon campaign.
Step 2
Since May 9 is a day off, the holiday is usually not limited to processions only. On this day, you can see many performances by amateur groups, concert programs and performances dedicated to the events of the Great Patriotic War. Look for relevant information on posters in your city or on city sites.
Step 3
In addition to traditional concerts and theatrical premieres, in recent years there have been various shows for young people and performances or competitions of clubs involved in military reconstruction. If this is not the case in your locality, but you are fascinated by such spectacles, try to get together with friends and go to where they are being held.
Step 4
If you do not like crowds and crowds of people, but want to have a little fun and spend time with benefit, go or go to some good museum. In these institutions, for the Victory Day, as a rule, the exhibitions are supplemented or changed, so if you visited the museum last year, you will be able to see something new in this.
Step 5
Many people, whose ancestors fought on the fronts of the Great Patriotic War, were wounded or died, remember their relatives on this day. They go to monuments and lay flowers, visit cemeteries and look after the graves of war veterans. You too can follow their example.
Step 6
On Victory Day, there is a tradition in many families to gather at the festive table to remember their relatives who participated in the war, to remember the victims, and to talk about family history. If you haven’t gotten together yet, arrange for such a meeting. Ask older people to talk about the war or their post-war childhood, what life was like at the time. It is very good if your children listen to their stories. Review family albums. Put on and watch some good war movie.
Step 7
Visit your relatives, especially the elderly. They all need attention and will be glad that you dropped by on this day and congratulated them on the holiday.
Step 8
Many people also spend this spring day in nature: they go to the country house, to the forest, to a picnic. Ordinary rest can also be made more meaningful if you devote table talks to national history and to those people who brought Victory to their Motherland.