February 14 - Valentine's Day - a holiday that came to Russia from Western Europe and has successfully taken root here. Lovers are trying to spend a romantic evening together, to please each other with gifts. That said, gifts don't have to be expensive. The main thing is that they should be presented with love and please, and possibly - and touch a loved one.

Touching gifts for the youngest
As you know, it is much easier to find a gift for a girl than a gift for a boy. True, most often the list of gifts is quite banal: a bouquet of flowers, a box of chocolates, teddy bears or hearts. You can try to come up with something more original. For example, bouquets are now made not only of flowers, but also of sweets or soft toys.
At the time of their first love, very young girls can be presented with a gift made with their own hands - for example, the same valentine with a beautiful declaration of love. A wonderful, albeit rather traditional, gift for both a very young lady and an older girl will be a soft toy - a bear, a bunny or a cat.
Gifts for wives, brides and regular girlfriends
If feelings have already passed the test of time, you can give the girl a much more expensive gift - a ring, earrings or a chain. At the same time, jewelry should be gold, not silver, since gold symbolizes love, and silver only friendship. On Valentine's Day, it is advisable to give jewelry with romantic symbols - usually with hearts.
Quite a bold gift - spectacular and expensive underwear. However, it would be appropriate to present it only to your wife, fiancee or constant girlfriend.
Expensive French perfume can be a good gift. But in this case, you need to perfectly know the taste of your beloved.
You can also give the girl her favorite sweets, preferably in a gift box with the symbols of Valentine's Day (a very traditional option is a heart-shaped box).
A romantic candlelit dinner at home or in a restaurant will be a welcome gift for any girl (depending on preferences and material capabilities). If a girl is interested in art, you can invite her to a theater, museum or concert.
Of course, you can give a wonderful romantic trip to Paris or Venice, but, unfortunately, the opportunity to make such gifts is not always available.
When choosing a gift, it is best to be guided by the tastes and interests of the girl herself. One will be pleased only with jewelry, for another the best gift will be a book by a favorite author, a disc with romantic music or an interesting film. Perhaps the girl enthusiastically collects figurines of cats, dolls, porcelain figurines, then she can be presented with a long-desired copy for the collection. The main thing in choosing a gift is for it to bring your loved one sincere joy and make the holiday truly wonderful and unforgettable.