Not every man can pamper his beloved women with a cake for a holiday. Making a birthday cake is a snap. You can involve children in cooking, then you will definitely get a sweet masterpiece.

It is necessary
- 1 kilogram of cookies
- 500 grams of sour cream
- 200 grams of powdered sugar
- 150 grams of nuts
- To decorate
- Chocolate, culinary beads, berries, marmalade.
- A saucepan or cup, cling film.
Step 1
Break the cookies into small pieces. Little assistants will gladly do this work.

Step 2
Mix sour cream with powdered sugar with a mixer or a whisk. It turns out a light, tasty sour cream.

Step 3
Dry and grind the nuts. Any nuts you love are suitable for the cake: hazelnuts, walnuts, peanuts, cashews, almonds.

Step 4
Preparing the cake mold. You can take a saucepan, cup, salad bowl, any dish of your favorite size and shape. We line the form with cling film in several layers.
Step 5
All ingredients are ready, you can collect the cake. Children will cope with this task with pleasure and ease under the guidance of their father. Pour a few tablespoons of sour cream on the bottom, pour cookies and some nuts on top. Cover a layer of cookies with cream and press down a little with a spoon. Pour cookies and nuts again, then cream and so on, until the entire form is filled.

Step 6
Cover the top with cling film and press down with our hands. We remove the hours for 5 in the refrigerator.

Step 7
Prepare the dish, take out the mold, remove the film and turn it over onto the dish. We remove the form, the film and the cake is ready. It remains to make it festive with grated chocolate, berries, marmalade or pieces of cookies and chocolate. Call the children for help, and they will dream up a sweet fairy tale. Such a cake will decorate the festive table, surprise and delight mom.