23 Surprises For Men On February 23

23 Surprises For Men On February 23
23 Surprises For Men On February 23

A holiday called Defender of the Fatherland Day is approaching. Men are waiting for pleasant surprises, and women are puzzled over how to prepare these surprises. We offer 23 ideas on how you can surprise men for Defender of the Fatherland Day.

Defender of the Fatherland Day
Defender of the Fatherland Day

The Defender of the Fatherland Day holiday has a long history. It was called differently at different times, but the traditions of its celebration have not changed for a long time. And everything is the same as many years ago, girls congratulate boys in kindergartens, schools, women congratulate male colleagues on this holiday the day before, namely February 22. After all, February 23 is a holiday and a day off. On this day, boys and men are already congratulated at home by their sisters, wife, mother and grandmother.

Given this feature of this holiday, we will divide all the ideas of surprises into those that can be used in a work or educational team, and those that are applicable to household members.

Ideas for congratulating colleagues

Reading poems from a postcard at the festive table is so commonplace. That is why the ideas for congratulating colleagues on the men's holiday will be slightly different.

1. One of the options for congratulating you on the holiday can be a parody of army life. For this, the office space is pre-arranged in such a way that it resembles an army. Accordingly, clothes and accessories need to be prepared appropriately, to study army rules and procedures. Spend the whole day as in the army, and at the end of the day congratulate the men and thank them for their good service. Such a day and such a congratulation should definitely be remembered.

2. End of February - winter is already losing ground in spring, it is getting warmer outside, but the snow is still dense and the ski track is good. It is possible to organize a wonderful picnic in nature on skis. You need to prepare in advance, of course, but it's worth it.

3. You can arrange a trip for men to a ski base and go for a ride there from the mountain. It is not at all necessary to ski on alpine skiing, you can also use other devices. It will be fun and healthy anyway.

4. For true extreme lovers, it is possible to organize a trip by a working team to an air club and make a group parachute jump there. Naturally, this jump should be preceded by preliminary preparation and training. Such services are not cheap, but just for large companies there are good discounts for group jumps.

5. If you really can't organize anything at all, then you should try and make at least congratulations not boring and not trivial. For congratulations, take some contemporary song and remake it.

6. You can make congratulations for each colleague individual. For example, congratulations to the most gallant, the smartest, the funniest, and so on. But invented adjectives should really describe the qualities of a man and not be a mockery.

7. You can beat the congratulations in a musical form and congratulate each man with a song that suits him.

8. Make a wall newspaper or a humorous collage with the participation of all team members. In it, it is imperative to note all interesting personal qualities in a humorous form. To make it fun and not offensive. The wall newspaper will hang throughout the holiday and cheer you up.

9. If someone from the female half of the team has the ability to process video, then you can make a film in which "cuts" from other joint corporate parties will be used.

10. Fireworks can be started in the evening. It may look trite, but beautiful.

Ideas for congratulating your husband

Breakfast in bed on a festive morning is so commonplace. And if the wife, disguised as a maid, brings breakfast and sings a congratulatory song at the same time, this can already become a real surprise for a man. Thus, at the moment of awakening, a man will immediately see 4 surprises.

eleven. Breakfast decorated with a holiday theme, such as scrambled eggs in the shape of stars, bread folded in the shape of a tank, and the like.

12. Wife dressed as a maid.

13. Congratulatory song.

14. The apartment is decorated in the theme typical for this holiday.

15. Do not forget that you need to give some cute present, which should also be a pleasant surprise for a man. We choose a gift, prepare it and arrange it in advance. What could it be? Anything! But in any case, the main rule must be observed: the gift must be liked. Therefore, before choosing him, you need to listen carefully to your man, watch him, remember all his desires. And then, at the right time, just fulfill this desire.

You can also celebrate in a relaxed atmosphere at home.

16. For example, for married men with children, it is a good idea to arrange a performance with the participation of children. Learning poems and songs and performing them specifically for dad is very cute and touching.

You can celebrate more actively.

17. One option is to gather friends and go play paintball. It will be just a fun event and a holiday theme.

18. Another option: why not go with friends or family to a water park or swimming pool and arrange naval "battles" there? It will be fun, good for health and close to the theme of the holiday.

19. You can go to a karaoke bar and just sing songs there, including songs on the military theme.

20. But you can also play on desires. The desire will be to perform a particular song.

21. You can end this wonderful day at home with a cooked festive, but light dinner. Of course, not only the dinner will be a surprise, but also its decoration. Salad in the form of a star, a grenade or a parachute, a cake in the form of a tank, a flag or with military figures. Everything here will depend on the spouse's imagination and culinary skills.

And after dinner, after putting the children to bed, give her husband two more last surprises.

22. To dance a striptease for a man.

23. Make an erotic massage.

In total, we get 23 real surprises to congratulate men on a men's holiday. It remains only to choose the appropriate option.
