What is New Year without a tree? An artificial or live tree, spruce twigs or a wreath made of them - all this creates a festive atmosphere, cheers up and strengthens faith in miracles. Feng Shui will help to add even more magic to life and bring about the desired changes in the coming year. Where to place a festive Feng Shui tree? How to decorate it to enhance the positive impact?

When deciding to put a Feng Shui Christmas tree in the house, you need to decide in advance what kind of changes you want. The choice of a specific place in the room depends on this. In addition, the cardinal points can play a role. And do not forget about the theme of jewelry, because they enhance the magical effect.
Feng Shui Christmas tree: installation at the cardinal points
If a person wants to advance in the service, develop his career, achieve certain heights at work, then the New Year tree should be placed in the northern part of the room.
To attract popularity, good luck and luck, it is best to place the spruce in the south.
A Christmas tree installed on the east side will affect family and love relationships. Harmony, comfort, warmth and mutual understanding will reign in the house. It is in the eastern area of the room that a Feng Shui Christmas tree should be placed in order to get rid of quarrels, conflicts within the family, and strengthen ties with relatives.
The zone, the activation of which will have a positive effect on the conception of children, is in the west. Directly there you need to put a decorated tree if you have a dream to have a child. In addition, this zone stimulates the imagination, influences the development of creativity, helps to implement various creative plans.
Additional options for the location of the New Year tree in Feng Shui:
- north-west - an area that is responsible for travel and travel, as well as for strengthening friendships and the emergence of new pleasant or useful acquaintances;
- southwest - the New Year tree located here will have a positive effect on love relationships outside of marriage;
- northeast - a zone that affects self-development and activates hidden abilities;
- southeast - if you want to improve your financial situation, then you need to put a decorated Christmas tree in this area.
New Year's Feng Shui: where to install the Christmas tree
If you place a tree in the very center of the room, then this will attract health, improve well-being, and help fight various ailments. In addition, some feng shui experts claim that the central area activates all other zones.
Do you want cardinal changes? Is the tiredness of the usual life already unbearable? Then you need to hang the tree upside down closer to the center of the room.
Dreaming of replenishing the family in the coming year, you need to put an elegant Christmas tree in the right corner, closest to the entrance to the room.
For those who wish to get additional profit in the new year, it is recommended to install a Christmas tree in the left corner farthest from the doors.
If you put a Christmas tree in the left corner closest to the entrance to the room, then activating this zone will improve relations with friends, comrades and work colleagues. In addition, the energy of this area will enable the development of intellectual abilities.
Dreaming of love and romantic relationships, you can put a Feng Shui Christmas tree in the far right corner of the room. With the help of "awakening" these zones in the room, you can not only find your true love, but also strengthen the existing romantic relationship.
If you place the spruce beauty in the middle of the wall to the right of the entrance, then next year there will be many interesting trips and journeys.
People who strive to develop professionally, dream of successfully building a career, getting a promotion, or changing their job / position to a more interesting one should put a Christmas tree right in front of the entrance to the room, but not in the center of the room.
: when it is not possible to place the tree in the desired area, in that area you can hang a wreath of fir branches, cones, a picture with a herringbone, any decorative elements where there are branches and needles.
Feng Shui tips for decorating a Christmas tree
To the usual and standard Christmas tree decor for the New Year, you need to add those elements that would symbolize desires, the fulfillment of which you really want in the coming year.
- For prosperity in the family and for financial well-being, bills and coins must be hung on spruce branches. At the same time, it is important that there are more gold and silver decorations on the tree.
- In order for life to be well fed, according to the rules of Feng Shui, it is necessary to place edible decorations on the New Year tree: figurines of animals or Santa Claus, chocolate coins, dried fruits, nuts, and so on.
- If you want to spend next year outside your home, travel a lot, then you must definitely decorate the Christmas tree with symbols of different countries, cars and trains, small maps.
- If the topic of children and replenishment in the family is very relevant, decorate the Christmas tree for the New Year in Feng Shui should be children's toys, flags, pictures with cartoon characters and fairy tales, angels. The color scheme should be soft, pastel.
- For changes in the work area, you need to add those symbols that are associated with a profession, career to the branches of the holiday tree. For example, it can be pens, some small notebooks, paper clip decorations, and so on.
- In order to strengthen friendly ties and relations between relatives, it is necessary to bring into the New Year's decor Christmas decorations that were ever presented by loved ones.
- For love and harmony in the family, you need to place various paired toys, hearts on the New Year tree. Red should dominate.