There are a number of fortune-telling on the night of the Old New Year: there are simple ways for impressionable persons, and the most difficult ones for fearless people who are ready to get in close touch with the other world.

Step 1
While some people sincerely believe that on this night with the help of fortune-telling you can look into the future and predict your fate, others consider Old New Year's fortune-telling to be just an innocent entertainment. One of the simplest divinations for the betrothed is on the cards. For this method, you need to put the king of tambourines under the pillow before going to bed, comb your hair, wash your face and say the words: "Dream my betrothed, dream me a mummer." The dreamed young man is the future groom.
Step 2
Fortune telling by the book. For this type of fortune telling, an old book or manual with one or another spiritual content is best suited. To do this, mentally ask a question, then guess the page and line number. After that, you need to open the book in a given place and read the answer to your question: this answer will be the same line that was previously conceived.
Step 3
Water and wax. Fortune telling with the help of wax will help a person look into his immediate future. For this type of fortune-telling, you need to take a container of water and a wax candle, and also have an imagination. The molten candle wax is poured into water, and the resulting wax figure is a symbol from the future.
Step 4
Fortune telling. Fortune-telling with a thread will predict which of the fortune-telling girls will get married earlier. To do this, in the room, you need to pull one long thread, and then tie several small threads of equal length to it. Each girl should tie her own thread on her. Then the threads are ignited at the same time. The first burnt rope promises its owner a quick and successful marriage. If the thread goes out before it burns out completely, the owner will not be able to get married in the near future.
Step 5
Divination by the betrothed. Fortune telling on mirrors is considered one of the most popular and scary ways to open the veil of the future. This divination uses two medium-sized mirrors and two church candles. One of the mirrors should be on the wall, the other in the hands of the fortuneteller. At midnight, in front of the mirror hanging on the wall, you need to put two candles, close all doors and windows and be completely alone. The second mirror must be taken in hand and approached with it to the first in such a way that a bottomless corridor is formed. Then the words are spoken: "The betrothed, but the mummer, come to me!" It is in this mirrored corridor that the narrowed one should appear. As soon as the fortuneteller sees him, it is necessary to say: "Chur me!" and turn on the light.
Step 6
Fortune-telling by the bath. This method of fortune telling is considered one of the most creepy in the world. Only the most daring girls participate in it. At night, fortunetellers should take turns pushing one or another naked part of their body into the open dressing room, inviting a spirit named Bunnik to touch it. If a girl feels someone's rough hand, her husband will be angry and angry, and if the hand is shaggy, then her husband will be rich. If someone's smooth and cold hand touches the girl - be poor for her husband.