New Year is a favorite holiday for millions of people in Russia. As early as mid-November, New Year's garlands appear on the streets, Christmas trees are being erected in squares, and shop windows are beckoning customers with a festive New Year's design.

Step 1
New Year's Eve is a time when a person gets a lot of positive emotions, coming up with a festive evening and preparing gifts for their loved ones. At the same time, the purchasing power is increasing - you need to buy gifts and souvenirs for relatives, friends and colleagues, food for the festive table, jewelry, and all the things that a person did not have time to purchase during the year. After all, on a holiday, you want everything to be perfect. Therefore, shops should think over their New Year's interior, make it pleasant and attractive for the buyer.
Step 2
It is best to start decorating a store from the showcase, because it is she who is designed to lure the buyer inside. If you are ready to rearrange all the goods displayed there for the sake of a successful New Year's composition, then put a Christmas tree in each window window. The trend of recent years suggests that there should not be many toys on the tree, but the tree itself should be fluffy. And, of course, the beauty must be artificial. Goods can be sprinkled with artificial snow, drawing on it the traces of forest dwellers - hares and squirrels. Turn your shop window into a cozy winter wonderland, and customers will certainly drop by.
Step 3
Unless you're planning to turn the store upside down to bring a festive mood to workdays, hang Christmas toys from the ceiling. These can be large bright balls, icicles covered with snow, skillfully carved snowflakes. Stretch a fishing line under the ceiling on which to hang the chosen decorations. You can decorate both a showcase and a trading floor in this way.
Step 4
Don't forget about the illumination. New Year's garlands are a wonderful decoration that will perfectly fit into the New Year's interior. Moreover, you can decorate it as a showcase or hang it on a stand with products to which you would like to attract visitors. Long New Year's beads are also popular.
Step 5
When decorating a store for the holiday, do not forget about American traditions, which, thanks to films, have become firmly established in the life of a Russian person. Decorate the room with figures of blond angels, hang a Christmas wreath on the door - customers will certainly love this decoration.