The Day of the Light Industry Worker is traditionally celebrated on the second Sunday of June. The holiday has existed for more than 30 years, it was established on October 1, 1980 by a decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR. It is celebrated throughout the country in many work collectives.

Step 1
In 2000, the holiday that existed during the Soviet Union received a new life - by the decree of the President of the Russian Federation, it was declared the Day of Textile and Light Industry Workers. Light industry is rightfully considered one of the closest to a person, as it is designed to satisfy a wide range of his basic needs. Its main components are traditionally considered to be the textile, clothing, fur, leather and footwear industries.
Step 2
The second Sunday in June is a professional holiday for workers and veterans of the light industry. On this day, work collectives are summing up the results of work, honoring and rewarding the most distinguished workers. The winners are determined in various nominations - "Best Industrial Organization", "Best Scientific Organization", "Best Manager", etc. The results of professional skill competitions are being summed up. Since many women are employed at light industry enterprises, this day can rightfully be called their labor holiday.
Step 3
Various scientific and practical events are timed to coincide with the Day of Workers of Light and Textile Industry, where you can get acquainted with the latest achievements in the industry, exchange information with potential partners. Representatives of foreign companies also take part in these events.
Step 4
As a rule, in honor of the holiday, festive concerts are held in many regions of the country. Both famous performers and local musical groups take part in them.
Step 5
On this day, master classes and demonstration competitions in professional skills are held. Fashion designers showcase their new collections. In many regions, photo exhibitions are held dedicated to the development of the domestic light and textile industries.