The length of the New Year's holidays makes people puzzle, coming up with different ways of spending time - you don't want your free days to be wasted, you need to spend them usefully, have time to have an interesting rest and have fun.

Step 1
New Year's fair. Surely a New Year's fair will be organized in your city or in a neighboring city - this is a traditional way to celebrate the holidays, chat, purchase useful things and just have a good time. Dedicate one of the days of the New Year holidays to visiting places of folk festivities - ride a sled or sleigh pulled by horses, taste traditional winter treats, take part in round dances, etc.
Step 2
Take a trip. Think over the route in advance - maybe you want to visit warm countries, bask in the sun, swim in the sea. Or they have long wanted to go to the mountains, explore the snowy plains, practice skiing or snowboarding. Or maybe you just want to walk the streets of an unfamiliar city, discover one of the countries where you have never been. Gather a group of like-minded people so that it is not boring, and go where you have long wanted to visit.
Step 3
Go to visit. During the New Year holidays, all people are in a joyful and elated mood - it's time to pay visits to relatives, friends and acquaintances. Pre-agree on the time of arrival, prepare small gifts for the owners, stock up on a good mood, New Year's jokes and go. At the same time, you will see those whom you have not seen for a long time.
Step 4
Have a masquerade. You can organize a themed party at home or choose one of the nights when your favorite club has a carnival program. Prepare your costume carefully - your mood and how the party will go depends on it.
Step 5
Schedule a cultural program for yourself - go to a museum, theater, concert or exhibition. New Year's programs in administrative urban centers are usually quite rich and you will have a lot to choose from.
Step 6
Go to nature. Wherever you live, you can always find a picturesque place and go on winter fishing, hunting, just go sledging from the nearest hillock, etc. If you have a summer cottage or a country house, then organize a picnic with barbecue, fireworks, outdoor games, and various competitions. The presence of relatives in the village is an additional incentive. Organize a bathhouse, invite guests, collect a rich table and spend time in a warm, homely and cozy atmosphere, communicating with loved ones.