New Year's Eve is perhaps one of the most anticipated of the year. Most people treat the midnight chimes with trepidation and excitement. But the stormy feast, ending in a sweet dream, is already tired of the order, therefore, with the approach of December 31, it is worth thinking about entertainment. Choose the celebration option that suits you and use all the power of your imagination to plan the fun.

Step 1
New Year with friends is a fairly common option. Close people, acquaintance with whom has been going on for more than one year, are a pleasant company. In this version, there are a great many ways of entertainment, because tipsy young people are happy to respond to calls for fun. Organize contests. You don't have to be the owner of the apartment to be able to entertain guests. Take the initiative and prepare a sample scenario and the necessary attributes a few days before the new year. Seemingly childish contests on New Year's Eve will surprise you with their relevance. Run around the chairs, trying to take a free one, slip a handle tied to a belt into the neck of the bottle, play a guessing game - you need to show the hidden word without uttering sounds, with just gestures. Think back to school days and borrow a couple more contests from them - the fun will not keep you waiting.
Step 2
New Year alone, it would seem, cannot become fun, and does not require entertainment at all. But there is another vision of the situation. All over the country and the world there are hundreds of thousands of people celebrating this holiday in the company of their cat. Unite! Modern means of communication will help you with this. Get a Skype (preferably a webcam), a Facebook account or a contact and celebrate the holiday with those who also crave communication. Decorate your apartment within the camera's reach, put on tinsel around your neck, prepare snacks and champagne. For an hour or two before midnight, arrange a conference on Skype, bringing together a dozen people. With the chime of chimes, open champagne, say toasts, bring a glass to the monitor - in half an hour you will have a real feast with lively conversations, and by morning - and songs.
Step 3
Mass celebrations are another great way to have fun on New Years. Stock up on champagne, glasses and tangerines, and warm up properly. New Year's attributes in clothes are only welcome. Feel free to go to the busiest place in the city (not necessarily, by the way, your own). A wave of fun, festivities, songs, dances, contests, a huge Christmas tree and a friendly countdown of the cherished ten seconds - all this will make the holiday unforgettable and leave a lot of impressions until next year.