April 1 is usually called the day of the fool. On this holiday, people come up with funny and funny pranks, make fun of their friends, acquaintances, colleagues and even soul mates.

How to play my husband on April Fools' Day in an original way?
On April 1st, you can come up with many different jokes. If you have a drill, use it to prank. Go to the back of your loved one, turn on the appliance several times, and then pause and turn on the drill again, while poking your finger in the back of your spouse. The emotions that your significant other will experience at the same time cannot be conveyed in words.
Go to the bathroom, take a syringe filled with mayonnaise with you. Squeeze the toothpaste out of the tube and put the contents of the syringe into it. When your husband starts brushing his teeth, he will be extremely surprised. Alternatively, you can switch the tap to shower mode and direct it that way. so that the water pressure after switching on hit your lover in the face. When he decides to wash his face in the morning, you can watch with pleasure as running water is poured over his head.
Before bed, you can prepare a long string and place it under the sheet on the side where your spouse is sleeping. When he goes to bed, pull the end of the thread, while your faithful will have the idea that he is lying on some kind of insect.
You can also take a raw chicken egg, pierce it with a needle on both sides and blow the contents into any dish. Before your man leaves for work, defiantly place an egg in the pocket of his trousers or jacket and hit it hard for a crunch. Surely in the first second your lover will be very surprised and scared.
Another prank is suitable for families with children. Early in the morning, negotiate with your neighbor or friend about changing babies. Dress up someone else's child in your child's pajamas and put him to bed. You yourself can go to another room and wait until in the morning your husband is surprised at a strange awakening next to someone else's child.
How not to joke with your husband on April Fools' Day?
Some girls choose rather strange prank options. They write messages to their husbands, the content of which is something like: "Beloved, my faithful has left for work, I'm waiting for you." Ladies expect that men will appreciate such a joke and have fun, but the reaction of a representative of the stronger sex can be completely unpredictable.
Also, do not joke about the appearance of your man. Do not shave off his beard in a dream, do not paint his nails or pluck his eyebrows. Such pranks are unlikely to cause laughter and fun in your beloved spouse.