How To Make An Original Bouquet For A Teacher

How To Make An Original Bouquet For A Teacher
How To Make An Original Bouquet For A Teacher

There are many options for a bouquet for a teacher's gift, some of the rules have already become classic. But what if you make an original bouquet and present it for Teacher's Day? This will show the degree of respect for the mentor - he will understand that you did not just buy flowers in the first store you came across, but tried to be creative in choosing a gift.

How to make an original bouquet for a teacher
How to make an original bouquet for a teacher

A handmade bouquet will compare favorably with traditional flower arrangements, because it is one and only. What does it take to make a bouquet exactly like that?

1. Use associations1

Teacher's Day or September 1 is associated with autumn and the beginning of the school year. This means that an original bouquet for a teacher can be composed of autumn leaves, rowan berries and … pencils. If you use associations with the school, the school year and the work of the teacher, then you can fantasize up to a book made of flowers on a tray. There is a wide choice here. You can put the flowers in a small transparent vase and attach whatever you like to it.

2. For subject teachers

In the original bouquet, you can emphasize the theme of the subject taught by the teacher. So, a bouquet with a ball in the form of a globe hidden among flowers or small rolls of geographical maps located around bright flowers will be an excellent present for a geographer. A physicist will appreciate a bouquet with an apple attached to it as a nod to Newton. A music teacher will be pleasantly surprised if a treble clef with a stave and candy notes is attached to the bouquet. This unusual composition can be made from thick cardboard and wire.

3. For the class teacher

Often, children give flowers to the class teacher from the whole class. In this case, you can instruct someone to make an original bouquet, decorate it with attached candies in a shiny wrapper, and attach a notebook with children's and parents' handwritten wishes for this school year. As a rule, teachers keep such gifts very carefully and value them. You can put notes-wishes in a small box and attach it to the bouquet.

What flowers and objects do florists recommend using when drawing up an original bouquet for a teacher?

  • gladioli
  • dahlias
  • gerberas
  • Maple leaves
  • rowan sprigs with berries
  • For registration:
  • crayons
  • small toys
  • bells
  • small books
  • compasses
  • notebooks
  • rulers
  • paper planes
  • letter stickers
  • letters magnets
  • For fastening:
  • ribbons
  • wire
  • stapler
