Dinner parties, even if not overly formal, require generally accepted etiquette. How the owners should behave is approximately clear. How should the guests themselves greet each other? Especially if the society is not homogeneous, and the newcomers do not know each other very well or do not know each other at all.

Step 1
When you come to visit, first greet the hostess and the owner, then the other women (starting with the oldest ones), then the men. Talk to the children for a bit and hold out your hand.
Step 2
The traditional greeting - shaking hands - is accepted when meeting people who know each other well. Strangers must first be introduced to society. At the same time, the men exchange a slight bow.
Step 3
The handshake should be vigorous, but short enough. It should not be tightened. And even more so, it is not allowed to shake the partner's hand, and even talk at the same time. A sluggish squeeze is also recognized as unethical, and vice versa - you cannot squeeze your partner's hand too tightly. The warmest greeting is considered to be a greeting with both hands. During the handshake, it is not allowed to keep the other hand in your pocket. This, to some extent, is possible in a circle of very close acquaintances, but that's all.
Step 4
If you are a man, then, when greeting a woman, you can kiss her hand. But do not lift it towards you, but bend towards your hand yourself. Do not kiss the inside of a woman's palm and do not forget that the kiss should be just a light touch of the lips.
Step 5
When greeting very close friends or good acquaintances under the age of 30, you can kiss them three times on the cheeks.
Step 6
When you are late, and the society has already gathered, then be sure to greet those present first. If guests are seated at a table, greet everyone together loudly and clearly. Say hello to good acquaintances and table-mates separately
Step 7
A woman first greets women, then men. If your husband is among the guests, show him last.
Step 8
As a man, first say hello to women, then if you see your wife at the table, say hello to her. And only then greet the rest of the men.
Step 9
If there is someone outstanding among those present, greet him first.