All-Ukrainian Day of Libraries is celebrated in the country on September 30. On this holiday, the House of Books organizes many interesting events, various actions and thematic evenings dedicated to their main wealth - books.

This still very young holiday was established in 1998 by the decree of the President of Ukraine. It is not surprising, because libraries in the country appeared immediately after the adoption of Christianity and have existed for more than a thousand years. Today in Ukraine there are almost 40 thousand libraries. The leading ones are the National Parliamentary Library of Ukraine, the National Library of Ukraine named after V. I. Vernadsky, State Historical Library of Ukraine and many others.
On this holiday, all libraries of the country will organize an open day, inviting all connoisseurs of literature to visit. The staff of the book houses will conduct excursions around the library for readers, during which they will tell about the history of its creation and existence, acquaint guests with the available books, and show the newest and most valuable copies. Usually all stories are accompanied by colorful presentations and booklets.
Also, on the All-Ukrainian Day of Libraries, there will be celebrations for rewarding librarians. Prizes and gifts will be awarded to the most outstanding employees who have made a great contribution to the development of libraries in Ukraine. Active readers will not be left out either - many of them will also receive surprises and souvenirs. After all, the very existence of libraries is impossible without those who read the literature stored there.
Many libraries of the country will host the “Books from good hands” or “I read it myself - donate the book to the library” campaigns, which will allow the Book Houses to renew their fund. Discussion meetings, round tables and literary and musical evenings will be organized.
By visiting the libraries on this day, you can learn a lot about their work, the history of their origin and the books available. And also get to a meeting with some writer and get an autographed book out of his hands.