Does your child ask you to make him a tiger mask? Or maybe you yourself want to transform into a wild and rebellious cat at a festive evening? A little imagination and improvised means - and your predatory image is ready.

Step 1
First you need to decide: how do you want to make a mask? There are two most common options: make from cardboard or paint the pattern directly on the face.
Step 2
In order to draw the face of a predator on the face, you will need makeup. You can take the one that the actors use, or you can buy face painting. The latter is preferable, since it consists of natural ingredients that do not cause allergies. This makeup is quickly applied and can be easily washed off with plain soap and water. You will also need different sized brushes for thick and thin lines and sponges for the background. When choosing these items, pay attention to their softness. If you are allergic to wool, then you need to choose brushes made from artificial materials. Before embarking on the embodiment of the image on the face, stock up on pictures and sketches of the selected animal - this will make it easier for you to draw the muzzle.
Step 3
If you decide to make a mask out of cardboard, then you cannot do without a base. First, measure the length and width of your face. You need an oval of this size for the mask. Cut out a blank from thick cardboard, make slits for the eyes. Now let's start painting the mask. It should be remembered that the paint that you use for these purposes should not soak through the cardboard, as further allergies may occur when wearing such a mask. In order for the drawing to be believable, study the drawings with the selected animal. In addition to regular paints, you can use bright neon paints or special glitter gels. After the coloring of the mask is finished, attach an elastic band to it, which will hold the muzzle on the head. You can also glue a mustache made of thin wire on cardboard, as well as woolen threads of different colors - the imagination here can be limitless.
Step 4
After the mask is ready, walk around in it for a while to get used to it and, if necessary, make improvements.