Wedding is one of the most important sacraments. It is the wedding that gives support and protection from the Lord, and during the ceremony, the blessing of the Lord descends on the couple. And, of course, a wedding is not possible without the wedding icons of the Savior and the Mother of God.

Beautiful couple beautiful icons
Some families have their own wedding icons, which are used for blessing. But more often than not, a couple has to choose new ones. There are no hard and fast rules, so you can be guided by your taste and choose icons that are more suitable for a wedding dress. If you choose a shoulder-length icon, where the Mother of God is depicted up to the shoulders, then it is better to choose the icon of the Savior in the same style. You can order the production of icons in special workshops, then they will be made in the same style and harmoniously combined with other attributes of the ceremony.
Icons of the Mother of God
The icon of the Mother of God reminds the wife of humility, the need to love children and be a friend to her husband. Thus, the Kazan Icon of the Mother of God patronizes all of Russia, and therefore it is most often chosen as a wedding icon. The Vladimirovskaya icon patronizes Moscow, and the Fedorovskaya Mother of God has a special power in relation to children, promotes well-being in the house and protects along the entire path of life.
After the sacrament of the wedding, the icons are returned to the family iconostasis or are kept by the spouses. The priests agree that it is not the value of the icon that is of paramount importance, but faith in it, only then will grace descend from the wedding icon. When choosing icons, pay attention not only to their decoration, but also to personal feelings. The easier it is to pray in front of the icon, the more effective the appeal to the Lord will be.