Many believe that wishes made on New Year's Eve will certainly come true soon. After all, the atmosphere on the eve of this great holiday is conducive to something fabulous and light. But for all your dreams to come true, you need to know how to make a wish for the New Year.

It is worth considering the traditional version of making a wish, which is known to many. In the New Year 2018, you can also resort to it. Write your wish on a piece of paper, light it, stir the ash with champagne, drink it quickly. The main rule is to be in time for all this while the chimes strike.
This is not the only way to make wishes. There are quite a few of them and they all differ in variety. On the New Year of the dog, you can take colored paper, write down your wish on it, then build a symbol of the coming year. Don't worry if you don't do it very nicely - that's not the point here. Be sure to whisper to the paper figure about the wish, then ask him to fulfill it. It is better to do this on the eve of New Year's Eve, then the symbol of the year will definitely help you make your dream come true! Place the toy on top of the green New Year's beauty. And don't take it off until you take it apart until next time.
And Cubans have resorted to very tasty wish-making methods. At each stroke of the clock, they eat one berry of grapes, making wishes. After all, I really want 2018 to bring the realization of not one dream, but twelve! Can you manage to accomplish this in 12 strokes?
Also, you can embroider your desire anywhere, but on a New Year's outfit! of course, doing this is on the wrong side of the garment and embroider the main word for you, characterizing your desire, with fairly simple stitches. Do you want to find a narrowed one in the New Year? Then embroider the word "love" and so on. And do not forget to repeat this word to yourself when the chimes are struck.
If you are celebrating the New Year with a big company or you are planning a New Year's corporate party, then you can connect everyone to this! Let everyone write their wishes on a paper snowflake, and after midnight, go outside and let them fly free!
A simple and fun method: after the chimes hit midnight, jump as high as you can and make a wish before your feet touch the floor again.
Of course, it is not enough just to make wishes and rely on the symbol of the New Year. But it is on this night that one can dream. And so that 2018 will bring you more joy and happiness, then wish the best not only for yourself, but also for those around you. Good will be rewarded with good in return - remember this and welcome the New Year so that you will remember it!