Everyone wants a new life to come with the coming of the New Year. The streak of failures ended, I was lucky in love and work. For this, many are trying to enlist the support of an animal - a symbol of the coming year. The Black Water Dragon, the host of 2012, doesn't have many demands on humans.

It is necessary
- - bright outfits;
- - toastmaster;
- - contests;
- - fresh food;
- - spices;
- - fish dishes;
- - candles;
- - souvenirs from the sea.
Step 1
When choosing a venue for a New Year's party, remember that the dragon loves space. Do not gather in the kitchen on New Year's Eve, but set the table in the living room. You can also rent a banquet hall, go to celebrate on the main square of the city. You can also celebrate the New Year outdoors, but you shouldn't huddle with tents in the thicket of the forest. Sit on the edge of the forest, and let the endless field spread out in front of you.
Step 2
The dragon is attracted to many styles of music, the main thing is that the rhythm makes his blood pulsate in his veins. You can listen to contemporary music, rock, alternative. The dragon also likes slow hypnotic rhythms.
Step 3
Loves the black water dragon and fun. Agree to have a toastmaster at your party, or come up with a variety of quizzes and contests yourself. The main thing is that during the competition all participants move a lot. The dragon's sympathy will be aroused by those who will actively take part in the games. However, remember that the dragon does not like mediocrity. All ideas must be new and original.
Step 4
The dragon has no particular preferences in food, the main rule is that it must be fresh and of high quality. The dragon is a lover of luxury, so he will delight in the culinary delights that you put on the table. If you have long wanted to try to cook a dish according to some extravagant recipe, but you had no reason, do it on New Year's Eve. If possible, add as many spices as possible to the dishes served on the table (naturally, within reasonable limits) - cinnamon, basil, cardamom, cloves, nutmeg, chili. Be sure to place good fish on the table.
Step 5
Since 2012 is the year of the water dragon, it will be appropriate, in addition to the New Year tree, to decorate the apartment with shells, starfish and other souvenirs brought from trips to the sea coast. You can put candles on the festive table.
Step 6
When choosing a New Year's toilet, give preference to bright, extravagant outfits. Although the dragon's favorite colors are red and green, there should be at least a black thread in your dress. Feel free to choose your makeup and jewelry - your dragon will love your bright, elegant look.