Sending letters and postcards by mail is a matter of the last century. Most people today use the Internet and the telephone for this purpose. Moreover, there are a sufficient number of sites on the Internet with a huge selection of holiday greetings. MMS with a bright picture will surely delight your loved ones. But how to do it correctly?

It is necessary
Phone, computer and internet connection
Step 1
In order to send a postcard to your mobile phone, specify the operator of the subscriber you are going to congratulate. And also specify what kind of mobile phone he has in order to find out the screen resolution of his phone.
Step 2
Then you need to search the Internet for sites that provide such services. To do this, you just need to type the word "postcards" in the search bar of any search engine and select one of the many sites with congratulations. Today, such resources offer a large assortment of animated greetings that correspond to various holiday dates and themes: birthday, March 8, New Year, Easter, etc., declarations of love, wishes for a good day and mood, friendship proposals. After you have chosen the copy you like, you need to fill in the following data: phone number, telecom operator, date of departure and text. Then you need to select the screen resolution of your mobile phone and send a congratulatory message.
Step 3
You can also copy a postcard from the Internet to your mobile phone and send it to a loved one using a multimedia message. If you want to send via MMS, you need to pre-process the image, adjust it to fit the screen of the subscriber's mobile phone to whom the message will be sent, and also check the file for viruses so as not to harm either your phone or the recipient's phone.