The first of April is a day that gives a lot of smiles, joy and laughter. On this day, it is simply impossible to refrain from playing any of your friends or girlfriends. There are many ways to play prank on your friends and girlfriends. The most fun and original is the telephone prank.

Step 1
First of all, it is worth considering that girls are often quite touchy and can easily get upset or angry with you because of your trying to play her. That is why choose your joke carefully and deliberately. If your friend is not offended and has a good sense of humor, she is guaranteed a lot of positive emotions.
Step 2
The most innocuous options for a prank call are a late night call, a stupid question posed to a girl. The purpose of such a call is to get your girlfriend to hang up in bewilderment, or to be flexible and support your joke as much as possible. Then you can laugh together.
Step 3
One of the simple examples is to call, making your voice serious and formal, and ask the question: "Hello, is this the police (hospital, morgue)?" Here you can give the following recommendation: before calling, it is advisable to rehearse your speech so that it sounds believable and convincing. Such a call late in the evening or at night is frightening and simply knocks out of his sane mind, the chance to cause a stupor in a friend is almost one hundred percent.
Step 4
And here is an alternative, no less fun option. Dialog:
- Hello, hello, is this number XXX-XX-XX (any numbers)?
- No, you have the wrong number
- Why then did they pick up the phone?
Step 5
Having tried, you can easily invent many different options for the telephone prank and yourself. By approaching business with imagination and humor, you can come up with creative and original ideas that will not be like others. A successful prank on the phone means a lot of laughter, smiles and good mood.