Painted Easter eggs are the most traditional type of Easter gift and are presented to children and adults, men and women. The donation of eggs is accompanied by special words that are spoken only on this joyful day.

Step 1
Color the eggs. This is done three days before the onset of the holiday on Maundy Thursday. You can follow traditions and use onion peels for coloring or paint eggs by hand, decorate with thermal stickers, braid with beads. Choose the number of eggs yourself - it is customary to give them to friends and acquaintances and eat them all week after a bright holiday.
Step 2
If you wish, you can consecrate the painted eggs in the church. The procedure for the consecration of eggs, Easter and Easter cakes takes place on Holy Saturday, preceding Easter. There is a belief that such gifts will last longer and will not deteriorate. You can give both consecrated and non-consecrated eggs.
Step 3
On Sunday, present a painted egg to a loved one with the words "Christ is Risen!" The one who received the egg as a gift must answer you: "Truly He is Risen!" After this, christianization occurs - a threefold kiss on the cheeks. The younger family member should be the first to say the Easter greeting, and the older one should respond.
Step 4
If you are visiting to celebrate Easter, bring some eggs with you. Place them in a wicker basket on a napkin. You can also put Easter cake or Easter there. Give a gift to the hostess, the children can give the eggs in their hands and take Christ. Since you are a guest, start your Easter greeting first.
Step 5
When the traditional words of the Easter greetings are spoken, you can arrange the original Russian fun with eggs. Among these games is skating. The purpose of this fun is to hit your opponent's egg with your egg, rolling them along the groove. Also, the favorite pastime of children on Easter is "beating eggs" - with an accurate blow you need to break someone else's egg, keeping your own intact. All broken eggs must be eaten. Since new fun will require new eggs, you can repeat the donation procedure with the words “Christ is Risen!” As this phrase glorifies the Lord.