Housewives begin to think about what to cook for Easter even during Lent, wishing to make the holiday memorable. Each family has its own traditions, but there are a number of recipes without which it is simply impossible to imagine the Bright Resurrection of Christ.

Step 1
Bake cakes. The dough for their preparation requires a special attitude towards itself, therefore, not all housewives take on this baking, but the taste of homemade Easter cake cannot be compared with what is offered in the store. The degree of readiness of the dough is determined by its stickiness: a well-beaten dough does not stick to hands. After the dough rises, it must be stirred and put back. The procedure is repeated at least two times. When filling out forms for cakes, you need to leave at least a third of the free space, otherwise the dough will have nowhere to rise.
Step 2
Color the eggs. You can find chemical dyes in stores, but for a long time eggs were boiled together with onion peels, due to which they acquired a rich shade of orange and a special, as if a little baked taste. If there is absolutely no time for coloring the eggs, you can simply decorate them with ready-made stickers, but the eggs will taste as usual.
Step 3
Prepare Easter. This is cottage cheese, previously grated through a sieve and mixed with cream, sour cream, egg yolks or eggs, butter. The easiest way is to mix cottage cheese with sour cream and other sources of fat, but, depending on the method of preparation, there are two more types of Easter, custard and boiled. Each family has their own recipes for Easter, but heat-treated Easter is the most delicious.
Step 4
In addition to cakes, you can put gingerbread on the table. For a holiday, they are baked in special forms, it can be doves, Easter bunnies or eggs. The presence of any other pastry is not prohibited, from pancakes to pies. In a number of regions, Easter grandmothers are put on the table. This pastry is made from butter dough and decorated with glaze.
Step 5
Easter meals don't end there. Be sure to put on the table meat that can be cooked according to the recipe in the family most loved. In the old days, lard and baked meat were put on the table, which did not lose its taste even when cold.