In order for the coming year to be full of only the most pleasant and joyful moments, it is believed that it must be properly greeted. Moreover, different animals, which are symbols of the year, will have different preferences in this regard. So the Goat has its own wishes in 2015.

The goat is a rather humble animal. She will not like noisy feasts in large companies. As they say, New Year is a family holiday. It is under this motto that 2015 must be met.
It is best to gather at the festive table with your family or a close circle of loved ones. The feast should turn out to be sincere, warm and cozy.
It is imperative to make a wish to the chimes. All those present should be congratulated and wish all the very best for the coming year. Further, it is imperative to give gifts to everyone. They may not be expensive, but very necessary for the gifted person.
Only a couple of hours after the onset of the next year, you can go to some noisier celebration with friends. The most important thing is that the meeting in 2015, accompanied by the chimes, should be in the family circle. The holiday you are going on should be worthwhile to have a lot of fun. After all, the Goat has an exquisite taste.
Since the symbol of the year is a resident of the countryside, the New Year can also be celebrated away from the bustle of the city. It can be a summer cottage or a tourist base. The outdoor celebration of 2015 will be to the liking of Kozochka. This is a great place to go skiing, sledding, ice skating and spending time with health benefits.
Like any year upcoming 2015, you need to meet only in a good mood, with a smile on your face and in the company of your loved ones.