Birthday is the most favorite holiday of almost every person. It's a shame to spoil it with an inappropriate or insignificant gift, but this happens much more often than you might imagine.

There are many rules that make it easy to choose the right gift, and a number of stereotypes to avoid.
Don't give meaningless gifts
The most common minor gift is cosmetic trifles such as soap, bubble bath, shampoo, shower gel, and so on. Firstly, there is a sign that claims that such gifts are given to tears, and secondly, this is a very simple way to show that you do not care at all about choosing a gift for the birthday person. Such "soap" gifts are most often perceived as something bought at the last moment. In addition, some especially suspicious people may consider such a gift a hint that they need to wash, which is quite insulting.
Never give live gifts. At least don't make it a surprise. If the birthday boy even expressed a desire to have some kind of animal, do not bring it to the celebration in a basket, it is better to invite the hero of the occasion to walk to the pet store with you after the holiday so that he can choose a pet to his liking.
Think about the birthday boy, not his family
It is considered bad form to give some universal things for a birthday that can be used by members of the birthday boy's family. It is better to spend a little time to choose something as a gift that will please the hero of the occasion and will be at his personal disposal.
A married man should not give bed linen, dishes or household appliances for the kitchen, unless, of course, one of these is present in his wish list (list of desirable gifts). You should not give both men and women all kinds of decorative items for interior decoration - figurines, kinetic modules and other "dust collectors".
In no case should girls be given things that hint at physical imperfection. All kinds of weight loss belts, epilators, scales, anti-aging creams are not the best birthday gifts, as they can seriously ruin the birthday girl's mood. Men, however, also should not hint at flaws. It is better to give baldness remedies, exercise machines and other similar things for some other reason.
Superstitious birthday people should not be given towels, slippers or watches. Such gifts can be perceived as “the beginning of the end”. Don't give them sharp objects. It is believed that a given knife, ax or dagger can cause enmity between you.