The witness is the groom's chief assistant. Such an honorary position is not limited to being present at the official ceremony and making toasts at the festive table: the witness is also actively involved in preparing for the wedding.

Step 1
Help the groom choose a suit for the celebration. Choose the optimal color scheme, as some people refuse classic black outfits. If you are well versed in cars, order suitable transport for the wedding with the groom. The appearance of cars is, of course, important, but safety, reliability, comfort and serviceability are points that should also be paid attention to.
Step 2
Prepare some good toast. Practice at home in front of the mirror so that on your wedding day the excitement does not take over and you do not forget important words, although invented on the go and spoken from the heart often sounds better than memorized, standard phrases.
Step 3
Organize a bachelor party on the eve of your wedding. This is how the groom says goodbye to a free bachelor life. Come up with an interesting and fun scenario for the evening so that the bachelor party does not turn into a banal booze.
Step 4
Directly on the day of the celebration, make sure that the groom does not forget to take his passport, rings, bouquet, champagne and wine glasses for registration. Then there is a trip to the bride's house. With honor and humor, go through all the tests that the bridesmaids have prepared, led by a witness. As a ransom, take with you sweets, champagne, money, flowers - everything that you are used to giving women. Cunning and bargaining to appease your friends and help the groom break through the "protection" on the way to his betrothed.
Step 5
At the registry office, leave your signature in the civil registration book. Pour champagne for the young and support the new family with a loud traditional cry of "Bitter!"
Step 6
Sit down at the table next to the bride - after all, you have to look after the lady. Do not take your eyes off her, because there will be many who want to steal a shoe or the young wife herself.
Step 7
If, nevertheless, you could not save the bride from the "abduction" rite, take part in all the proposed contests together with the witness and the groom.
Step 8
During the holiday, act as a mass entertainer. If the guests are bored, invite them to the dance floor, ask the toastmaster to hold a competition, or organize some kind of game yourself.
Step 9
Do not leave the wedding until the last guest leaves the hall.