Although today the presence of witnesses at the conclusion of a marriage is not necessary, most newlyweds still invite them to their wedding. Being witnesses is a very responsible role, their function includes many responsibilities for organizing a celebration.

Witnesses are the main assistants of the newlyweds. This honorary position is not limited to being present at the ceremony with a red ribbon and making toasts at the festive table. Earlier in Russia, the groom's witness was called a friend. The most cheerful and lively guy was chosen for this role. He accompanied the groom during matchmaking, at the wedding, paid off from the matchmaker, and so on. A witness these days also takes on many responsibilities for the preparation of the wedding.
On the eve of the wedding, the witness arranges a bachelor party, where the groom says goodbye to his free bachelor life. The witness must come up with a fun scenario for the evening so that it does not turn into an ordinary binge.
On the wedding day, the witness makes sure that the groom does not forget the rings, passport, bouquet for the bride, as well as champagne and wine glasses for registration. After that, the witness, along with the groom, goes to fetch the bride. There they will need to pass tests that will be arranged by the witness and her friends. It will take cunning and the ability to bargain to appease them and help the groom break through to his betrothed safe and sound.
In the registry office, witnesses put their signatures in the registration book, and then pour champagne for everyone and loudly shout "Bitter!" At the table, the witness sits next to the groom and looks after all the ladies who are nearby. In addition, he must not take his eyes off the bride, as she can again be stolen. And of course, the witness takes part in all competitions and sweepstakes, he must be ready to start dancing at any time.
The bridesmaid, whom she entrusted with the role of a witness, also does not sit idle. She helps to choose a wedding dress, accompanying her friend on endless travels to bridal salons. She may be asked to order flowers for a celebration, send out invitations, or book a hotel room.
The sacred duty of a witness is to organize a bachelorette party on the eve of the wedding. She is responsible for the entertainment program, food, drinks, and chooses the venue for this event. She also selects the musical accompaniment.
On the day of the wedding, the witness should already be with the bride in the morning, she helps her dress up, and at the same time, at times calms her down. When the groom appears, the girlfriend makes him suffer properly, coming up with various obstacles and tasks.
After that, the witness goes to the registry office together with the young and puts her signature in the registration book. At the banquet, she should sit next to the bride. You need to prepare some good toast in advance. Throughout the holiday, the bride's friend acts as an entertainer, helping the toastmaster in organizing contests and games. And only when the last guest leaves the banquet, the mission of witnesses will be completed.