Student years are a wonderful time that will remain in your memory for a long time. Among the frosty winter days, there is a date that will help add impressions - Student's Day. However, it is worth a little work to make the experience pleasant.

Step 1
Officially, Student's Day is a working day. So you still have to sit in pairs. However, you can show some foresight and prepare the school for the holiday. Decorate the walls with balloons, photo collages, gags and anecdotes. If the festive atmosphere is present within the walls of the institute itself, the teachers are unlikely to bother.
Step 2
If there are enough creative students, a concert can be arranged. Its holding, of course, must first be coordinated with the dean's office or department, especially if you need an assembly hall. You also need a script, presenters, persons in charge of props, etc. When you and your classmates have a desire to gather in a narrow circle, you can ask for keys from a separate audience.
Step 3
Provided that there is an opportunity to celebrate the holiday in the student canteen, you need to find out the exact number of participants in the feast, decide on the menu and ask how much it will cost. Clubs usually hold theme parties on this day, and a discount is provided upon presentation of a student ID. The advantage of this pastime is that the entertainment program and menu will not give you any trouble.
Step 4
You can go out into nature and have barbecue. However, here you need to take into account the natural factor. After all, the temperature outside is freezing. To stay warm, rent a house in the private sector for one day.
Step 5
If you live in a hostel, all questions must be resolved with the commandant. For a separate, so to speak, reward, he can turn a blind eye to your "merry starts" along the corridors and "songs with a guitar until the morning."
Step 6
You can find many SMS jokes on the Internet. Use them. Just remember, jokes should make you laugh. You should not send messages that may offend or hurt a person's feelings. If everything is completely harmless, you can play the teacher too.
Step 7
Remember that it is customary to celebrate Tatiana's day on this date. In view of this, it is necessary to congratulate those present at the Tatyan holiday.