In the life of every person there are holidays that are celebrated in a large company of friends or relatives. To celebrate such events, a large room is usually chosen, since the exact number of guests is almost impossible to predict, but it is necessary to accommodate all arrivals. When preparing a holiday, a problem arises - how to decorate the hall in which the celebration will take place?

Foil garlands, electric garlands, carpet, banner, portable light installations
Step 1
When choosing methods of decoration, it is necessary to take into account the specifics of the celebrated holiday. Agree that when celebrating the New Year and birthday, the hall is decorated in different ways. Also appreciate the features of the premises in which the celebration will take place. Sketch a small schematic drawing for yourself. You must have an idea of the size of the room. Pay attention to the location and size of the windows. It is necessary to take into account the time of day at which you will celebrate the holiday.
Step 2
Start by cleaning the entire room. Remove tables, chairs, and other small furniture. Wash the floors thoroughly. The windows must also be washed. Wash curtains or tulle. Everything should shine with cleanliness, as a decorated messy room will ruin the holiday. After doing a general cleaning, decide where the table will be located. If a large number of guests are expected, then several tables must be joined together. You can put tables with the letter "P".
Step 3
Choose a place in the hall where there will be an impromptu stage on which toasts and congratulations will be made. This place needs to be visually highlighted additionally. For example, lay a burgundy or red carpet. If the presence of microphones is provided for at the party, then put a stand with a microphone in place of the stage.
Step 4
Decorate the perimeter of the hall with garlands. It is best to use special multi-colored foil garlands. They are inexpensive, but they reflect light well and create additional glare in the room. Also consider how best to lay the electrical lights. The wires should be invisible. Never place the garlands on the floor, as your guests can step on them and crush the light bulbs. To illuminate the floor, use a duralight that can support the weight of an adult. However, it should be laid so that it is stepped on as little as possible. Install additional portable light installations.
Step 5
The place at the table where the heroes of the occasion will sit must be allocated. To do this, place chairs or armchairs that will stand out from the rest of the furniture. You can also use a special style of cookware. In the most conspicuous place in the hall, reinforce the banner with congratulations. Set up small fountains to be lit in the dark. It will make a great impression on the guests.