The most important guest on New Year's Eve is, of course, the Christmas tree. It doesn't matter whether it is small or large, artificial or entered the house directly from the winter forest. The Christmas tree attracts the eye, creates a special, New Year's atmosphere. Provided, of course, that it is beautifully decorated.

Step 1
Take out any Christmas tree decorations you have and inspect them carefully. All toys must be intact, and the electric garlands must be functional. If you missed something or something was damaged during storage, add the missing item to the list of nearest purchases.
Step 2
Install the tree. Moreover, if the spruce is alive, then you need to put it away from heating appliances. Otherwise, the needles will fall off from it much earlier than expected. If the tree is in a bucket of water, the water needs to be sweetened in order to increase the tree's lifespan.
Step 3
Decorate the bottom of the tree. Drape the stand with a beautiful fabric, lay out imitation of snow (cotton wool), serpentine, tinsel. All this beauty will be an amazing backdrop for gifts traditionally folded under the tree.
Step 4
Decorate the tree branches with "snow" if you like. Cotton wool or artificial snow from a spray can play its role.
Step 5
Hang up an electric garland. It is necessary to hang the bulbs by first plugging the device into an outlet. This way you can see at a glance what effect the backlight will produce.
Step 6
Start hanging toys. The largest balls and figures are hung on the lower branches. The higher to the top, the finer the decorations should be. Do not hang the balls randomly, but rather arrange them in a spiral, going from the base to the top of the tree. This will make the spruce appear taller.
Step 7
Add some zest to traditional Christmas tree decorations, something unique and cozy at home. Let it be beautiful candies, fruits, cookies or nuts wrapped in gold foil and hung by strings on the paws of a fir tree.
Step 8
Edit the decorations carefully. Light bulbs should not hide behind toys, but must illuminate, play with them.
Step 9
Secure the top. It can be a regular top from a store, or a beautifully tied bow made of shiny fabric. Imagine, but do not get out of the style chosen for the entire composition.
Step 10
Finish decorating the tree by completing the composition with tinsel, rain and streamers. Just don't overdo it.