The series "Prospect Brazil" was released in 2012. Brazilian TV viewers are very fond of the telenovela and its heroes. The intriguing plot kept the attention of TV viewers for almost a year.

TV series actors
Throughout the year, the Brazilians followed the fate of the girl Nina, who became an orphan as a child, how much she had to endure, including the bullying of her evil stepmother. The role of Nina was played by the famous actress - Deborah Falabella. The actress won worldwide fame after playing Mel in the TV series "Clone". This series was dubbed for a Russian audience as well. In addition to Deborah, the main characters were other eminent actors: Adriana Estevez, Murilu Beniciu, Kaia Raymond, Eloise Perisse, Marcella Novaez.
Avenue of Brazil is a touching melodrama with a happy ending. It makes you think about life choices.
Intriguing plot
Carminha - that was the name of the evil stepmother. Through her fault, Nina's father, Genesio, died. Carminha, along with her lover Max, took the girl to live in a landfill. Once they were residents of such an unpleasant place. The girl was lucky, she was adopted by a wealthy family from Argentina. But all the years Nina dreamed of avenging Carminier for the death of her father. As an adult, the girl came to Brazil and got a job as a cook in the house of an eminent football player - Typhoon. Carmini, after Genesio's death, managed to seduce the football player and marry him to himself.
Nina, working in the house of her evil stepmother, became attached to all family members. It soon became clear that Jorginho, Nina's childhood love, is the son of Carminha. The story is gaining new momentum. What to choose: love or revenge? The girl is looking for an answer to this question. The denouement of the series was completely unpredictable.
The dramatic story of a simple girl Nina did not leave anyone indifferent. Record numbers of viewers were set.
179 episodes passed as one moment, the audience was already accustomed to the characters, they discussed the behavior of the characters on the forums and on social networks. They condemned the behavior of the villainess Carminha and pitied Nina. More than 10 countries of Latin America, Europe, Asia, Africa have purchased the series for distribution. The series got its name not by chance, because Prospect Brazil is the name of the street in Rio de Janeiro, where all the most interesting events in the lives of the heroes of the series developed.
Rent a melodrama in Russia
The series was released on Russian television in the summer of 2013. After showing 50 episodes, the channel's management decided to stop broadcasting due to the low rating. How many viewers who were looking forward to the next episode did not like this decision. But numerous requests and applications demanding to continue the show were not considered. Some of the band's releases responded to this situation, they helped to translate all the other series of "Prospect of Brazil". For this they are very grateful to the large group of fans of Brazilian TV series.