As you know, Easter always falls on Sunday. It is good when you can meet a bright holiday in the circle of relatives and friends. But what about those whose working day coincides with the main spiritual holiday? Of course, you shouldn't give up the celebration. The celebration of the Bright Resurrection of Christ can also be arranged in a work collective. The main thing is to comply with some requirements.

Step 1
Easter is one of the most important church holidays, and therefore, like everything related to issues of faith, it is deeply personal. You should not arrange the celebration of Holy Easter in a team if there are people among your colleagues who have a negative attitude towards church sacraments and religion in general.
Step 2
Be sure to check with your Muslim or Jewish colleagues. Find out how they feel about celebrating Orthodox Easter. Treat with understanding any of their decisions, do not forget, Easter, first of all, is a holiday of peace and harmony.
Step 3
Don't forget to clean up your office and your workplace.
Step 4
Even if your desire to somehow celebrate a bright holiday in the team met with full understanding, you should not focus on the church side of the issue. Better position the celebration of Easter as a joyful meeting of spring, a holiday of rebirth and new life.
Step 5
Do not decorate the office with icons, for this it is better to use neutral symbols that evoke associations with spring. In general, try to keep church attributes to a minimum, even if you work in a team of like-minded believers. Easter is a home holiday.
Step 6
Common Easter colors are green, yellow, and white. Try to decorate your workplace with these colors. You can put a bouquet of spring flowers on the table. Daffodils, hyacinths, tulips, snowdrops - the choice is quite large.
Step 7
Branches of trees with half-open leaves and branches of willow will also become a symbol of rebirth and renewal. A small bouquet in a vase made of transparent yellow or green glass will perfectly fit into the interior and create the right atmosphere.
Step 8
For a truly festive atmosphere, turn to tradition. In Western Europe, images of chickens, lambs and bunnies have long become a symbol of Easter. On this joyful and bright holiday, small figures of cute animals will be an excellent gift for colleagues and will decorate the interior of even the most strict office.
Step 9
In Russia, there was a custom to sprout oat grains for the holiday and decorate the festive table with green sprouts. As a rule, the sprouted grass was placed in a special vessel in the middle of a flat dish, and painted eggs were laid out along the edges. Such a composition is easy to make for the office as well.
Step 10
Celebrating Easter in the office does not involve noisy entertainment. The little you can do is run a contest for the most beautiful Easter egg. The main thing is that the Easter eggs are made independently.
Step 11
Another Easter entertainment came from the UK. There, children shake a sieve with eggs on which the names of the owners are written. The one whose egg stays intact the longest becomes the winner.
Step 12
On Easter in some countries it is customary to swing on a swing. It is believed that with each climb, your well-being grows. In the office, you can swing employees on a chair, of course, if there are strong enough men in the team.
Step 13
The rich Easter table is a special event after the long days of Great Lent. But this action should take place at home, next to family and friends. In the office, limit yourself to Easter cakes and colored eggs. If corporate rules allow you to set the table, add pies, fresh vegetable salads and fruits. Alcohol is not recommended at work, so skip Cahors and go for juices.
Step 14
If the relationship in the team is friendly enough, you can christen each other three times. Otherwise, limit yourself to traditional greetings and exchanging Easter eggs.