It is necessary to prepare for Easter in advance. According to church rules, before such an important holiday, it is necessary to adhere to a seven-week fast. This is the time for spiritual cleansing and repentance. Each family has its own traditions of Easter, but many have to work on this day.

Step 1
Even if you need to get up for work in the morning, be sure to go to church. Easter service begins exactly at midnight and lasts until the morning. It is radically different from standard church services, as it is filled with light, joy and a festive mood.
Step 2
Prepare your Easter treats ahead of time at work. Buy or bake your own Easter cakes and Easter cakes according to your grandmother's recipe. This is the main decoration of the table. Form a cross out of the dough and decorate the baked goods with it. Also sprinkle them with homemade icing and sprinkle generously with colored crumbs.
Step 3
Stick red candles or sprigs of consecrated willow into the baked goods, as is customary in some families. Place colored paper or linen napkins on the cake dish. You can also make cottage cheese Easter. Your efforts will certainly be appreciated at work and will be immensely grateful for such a delicious treat.
Step 4
Color the eggs: you can use onion skins in boiling water or with colorful special dyes bought in the store. Or paint them with a thin brush, gouache or watercolor. Another simple and quick way is to paste over with special stickers. Nice, simple and affordable!
Step 5
In fact, there are a lot of holiday recipes. The main thing is to sanctify the food and then treat everyone from a pure heart. Put all the products in a wicker basket and decorate it with an embroidered towel.
Step 6
Instead of the usual greetings at work, address colleagues with the words "Christ is risen!" In response, they must say: "He is truly risen!" In addition, it is customary to kiss each other three times.
Step 7
Prepare small Easter gifts for employees: painted and consecrated eggs, as well as specially baked small cakes (such mini-products are best prepared in enamel mugs).
Step 8
It is hard to imagine this spring holiday without the beloved and popular Easter game. This refers to the tradition of "clinking eggs" with each other. Two take hard-boiled eggs and clatter with a blunt or sharp end.