Against the background of the unprecedented scale of the holiday industry, a phenomenon called "unlust" is growing catastrophically lack of joy. And this is a vivid indicator of inner mental trouble. Why is this happening? We are convinced that a holiday is an easily achievable thing. Ordered - bought - get it! You can certainly get entertainment, escape from the hustle and bustle and everyday life. But joy is not. This is a special light, amazing state of mind and there is no store where you can buy it.

One wealthy adult man spoke about the most significant New Year of his life. “It was in the army, no money, no food. My friend and I hardly found a can of stew. She became a dish, a snack, and a drink. But I never had so much joy and sincere conversations, a feeling of freedom and happiness, as that night. A holiday is about introducing people to each other, not the self-admiration of everyone in a group of people. People share their joy, abundance of soul, their happiness or event. This one is passed on to the invited guests and fills them. If there is nothing to share, as a rule, guests leave with nothing, even worse devastated.
No weekdays - no holiday. If you eat a cake every day, dress smartly, allow yourself whatever you want, then how will the holiday differ from an ordinary day? A holiday is a kind of milestone, a trait that sums up the next segment of life. The holiday must be earned, one must reach it, without labor and self-restraint - it is impossible to do this. For some, these statements may not seem attractive. But then how else can you experience it? The worst thing today is for children who have everything and in abundance. They simply have nothing to strive for. So parents come up with something else to do to surprise the baby.
The soul of each of us is called to joy, but for some reason we increasingly choose its surrogates and strive for a holiday, after which we come to our senses for a long time and physically recover. Maybe then you shouldn't call it a holiday? Anticipating the celebration, we usually wait for gifts. There used to be a proverb: "You love gifts - love and gifts" It would be great if our guests left us not empty-handed. Then a piece of the holiday and our soul will come to the house of our friends. When you give gifts to others, you experience an extraordinary feeling of joy, it is greater than that which arises when they give them to us. And this can be learned! First we will have to force ourselves to give, and then we ourselves will want to experience this feeling again and again.
It is believed that people who do not know how to rest and disconnect from work, do not know how to completely surrender to work and achieve good results in it. There was a long period in our family when there were so many events and deeds that we had time to state only their fact. Only later did I realize how much we robbed ourselves in joy, in understanding what was happening, in stops for the opportunity to replenish ourselves. It is better to celebrate the holiday in the circle of people close and dear in spirit. Especially if we have emptiness or disorder inside us. These people will be able to warm us with their love and breathe strength into us. Where can you find a reason to rejoice? In the blue sky above your head, that you are still alive, you are not sick, you have arms and legs, people who care about you and those who need you … There are actually so many reasons that you feel ashamed that we are stopped seeing and appreciating them.
I wish all of us so much joy that it would be enough not only for us, but for all the people around us!
Happy New Year 2017!