Each country is rich in its own holiday traditions that attract tourists. Fjord Day is a common holiday for the Scandinavian countries. It was organized in Denmark in 1991 to draw public attention to the problems of preserving the beauty of unique natural phenomena - fjords.

The Fjord Festival lasts three days from 12 to 14 July. Scientists, ecologists, public figures gather at this time for conferences, the theme of which is, of course, magnificent fjords. In entertainment centers and cinemas documentaries are shown, exhibitions and interesting meetings are organized.
There are fjords not only in Scandinavia, but also in New Zealand, Chile, Alaska, on the Kola Peninsula. The holiday also exists in Norway, Sweden and Denmark. Therefore, to get to Fjord Day, you need to go to these countries.
Travel agencies are well aware of all the holidays in the world and specially develop routes to include as many interesting things as possible. A few years ago, a tourist destination such as Fjords of Norway even won a world competition.
You will not see such crystal-clear beauty anywhere else. High sharp rocks, piercing blue of water and greenery of coastal plants make hundreds of frames snap off. The fjords of Norway are deep bays of the Atlantic Ocean that have cut up the land. No sultry southern resort offers such greatness of nature and such a ringing silence.
Take the Norway + Denmark route to see all the greatest fjords. Hiking trails or bike paths will lead you to the troll habitat, and the journey will turn into a fairy tale. The most picturesque period of fjord nature is from late April to September. If you want to get to Scandinavia exactly during the holiday period, that is, July 12-14, book a ticket in advance.
Be sure to take the Troll Road, which leads to the Stigfossen Waterfall. You will round the mountain slope eleven times along the serpentine path and cross the amazing bridge right through the stream of water.
Bergen is the gateway to the kingdom of the fjords. These days hundreds of tourists start their travels from here to the waterfalls, ice massifs and quaint bays of Norway.