“And your whole back is white!” Is one of the most common draws on April 1. This day has long been rooted as the funniest holiday of the year. April Fool's Day or April Fools' Day - it is called differently. But everyone who wants to make fun of their friends is inventing new pranks, trying to catch their neighbor by surprise. This holiday is also celebrated in France, England, Finland and other countries.

Step 1
In Russia, as mentioned earlier, jokes on friends and relatives are very popular on this day. Translation of the clock hands, slippers glued to the floor - these are just some of the most innocuous pranks that those who like to play a joke arrange for their loved ones. April 1 is not a public holiday, office workers have no choice but to joke with each other. And especially desperate workers even manage to play a prank on their boss. In England, as well as in Russia, Fool's Day is celebrated with a variety of jokes and pranks on their loved ones, friends and colleagues.
Step 2
In France, the main draw on April 1 is to discreetly attach a paper fish to a friend's clothes. This custom dates back to ancient times, when the inhabitants of the country jokingly sent each other to fishing on the day when fishing was prohibited. Also, the French make fun of each other, giving ridiculous assignments, sending humorous notes and gifts.
Step 3
In Finland, the holiday on April 1 was born among the peasants. They gave children comic instructions. They sent them to neighbors for a nonexistent instrument. The neighbors, being enlightened about the joke, pretended that they had already given the instrument to other neighbors, and the child was forced to move on in order to fulfill the parents' request.
Step 4
In Australia, April 1 literally starts with laughter. In the morning, a recording of the cry of the bird kuku-marra is played on the radio. It is very similar to adult laughter. Even in Germany, despite the fact that April 1 in this country is considered an unlucky day, people do not deny themselves the pleasure of making fun of each other. The main proverb, which the Germans are guided by: "You have to drive a fool - send for three miles!" They jokingly send the uninitiated into a rally for non-existent objects on the other side of the city.
Step 5
The media around the world are also involved in April Fools' jokes. So, in 1957, the BBC television broadcast information about an unprecedented harvest of pasta. Thanks to the reportage, even those who were confident that the pasta was made from flour, and did not grow in the fields, doubted. Russian media are not lagging behind either. More than fifteen years ago, the newspaper Komsomolskaya Pravda published an article about a mammoth who came to life and found a home for the Moscow zoo.
Step 6
April 1 is the happiest holiday, so the main thing to remember on this day is that the draws should be kind. Before joking with your neighbor, think about whether he will appreciate the joke and whether he will be offended by you. After all, the main purpose of this holiday is to give pleasure and cause a smile and laughter.