What Church Holiday Is Celebrated On April 28

What Church Holiday Is Celebrated On April 28
What Church Holiday Is Celebrated On April 28

April 28 is marked in the Orthodox calendar with several days of commemoration of saints, as well as a holiday in honor of the veneration of two icons of the Mother of God, which have miraculous properties.

What church holiday is celebrated on April 28
What church holiday is celebrated on April 28

April 28 is honored by the Orthodox as the day of remembrance of Aristarchus, Puda and Trofim, whom, according to legend, the Lord sent with the good news of his resurrection. Martyr Vasilisa and Anastasia, whom it is customary to remember on this day, also dedicated their lives to serving the Lord. Their feat is associated with the burial of those killed by the emperor Nero, who doomed them to cruel torture and subsequent execution. Their deeds are a symbol of courage and true faith. It is interesting that in the world this day is known as Pudov day: it is on this day that beekeepers check the readiness of the hives for the new season and begin to put them out on the street.

The virtuous martyr Savva of Gotf, who has the power to heal the sick, is recalled on April 28. He laid his life on the altar of faith and did not renounce his ideals, even after cruel torture, which ended in a public execution.

Holiday in honor of icons

This day is considered the day of veneration of two icons dedicated to the Mother of God, Mozdokskaya and Dubenskaya-Krasnogorskaya. The majestic icon of the Mozdok Mother of God, in honor of which the temple with a female abode adjacent to it was built, first showed its amazing properties and showed a divine sign on the banks of the Terek, since then it has repeatedly provided assistance to parishioners of the temple and believers who make pilgrimages with the aim of applying for help.


On April 28, 2014, Radonitsa falls, the day on which it is customary to remember the dead. On this day, it is not forbidden to work, because grieving over their loss, all believers should realize that their relatives have found peace of mind and eternal life.

For Orthodox Christians, April 28 is a name day, that is, the day of remembrance of the saint in whose honor a particular name was given. So, Anastasia, Victor, Andrey, Trofim, Vasilisa can rightfully consider April 28 as their day.

Jewish holiday

In Judaism, this day is timed to coincide with the Passover of Sheni, the so-called Easter sacrifice, a tradition that has existed since the days of Ancient Egypt. According to the legend, it was on this day that the Lord concluded an agreement with the Jews and made them the chosen people. Passover sacrifice Pesach sheni is prepared with special herbs, baked over a fire. The cooked lamb is forbidden to break bones and leave it half-eaten until morning.

The lamb in this case symbolizes the people's rejection of the beliefs imposed by the Egyptians, this is due to the cult of worship of this animal. Anointing the doors with the blood of the murdered person means a sign that there is not a single adherent of a pagan, from the point of view of Jews, religion in the house.
