The Chinese New Year is significantly different from the traditional Russian New Year holiday. Firstly, the date of the celebration is not stable, but is calculated according to the lunar calendar. Secondly, completely different New Year customs are adopted in China.

Step 1
According to legend, in ancient times a dragon lived in China, who once a year descended from the mountain to attack people. Before his arrival, the residents put things in order, put on good clothes, gave each other gifts and prepared delicious dishes, because they did not know if they could survive until morning. Families came together to protect each other. It turned out that the dragon is afraid of loud noise and red color. And then every year on this night people began to dress in red, decorate houses with red handicrafts, light fires and start up fireworks. The dragon had to fly back, and the happy Chinese congratulated each other. Therefore, today in China they are rather celebrating not the beginning of the new year, but getting rid of problems. The Chinese often call this holiday a spring holiday - as a rule, it falls on the end of January or February.
Step 2
Before the Chinese New Year, you need to carefully clean your house or apartment. Everything should shine with cleanliness, and it is advisable to start cleaning a couple of days before the holiday - but not on New Year's day. It is believed that this way you can sweep good luck out of the house.
Step 3
If you want to accurately follow Chinese traditions, observe New Year's signs: for example, on the eve of the holiday, you cannot wash or cut your hair, borrow money, talk about death, punish children, mention the old year, complain or cry. On the eve of the celebration, remove all cutting objects away so that the path to happiness is not cut off. Some omens seem strange, but most contribute to creating an atmosphere of fun and joy on New Year's Eve.
Step 4
Dress in red or any color other than white, which is the mourning color in China. Clothes should be smart and clean. By the way, the Chinese have never heard of the tradition of dressing in the color of the symbol of the coming year. Decorate the house with red decorations: wishes for happiness and money in the New Year, lanterns, couplets on red paper. Such crafts are sold in specialized shops with oriental souvenirs. Place bowls of dried fruit, oranges, and candy around the house. Light all the lights in the house and the lights - there should be as much light as possible.
Step 5
On New Year's Eve, the Chinese eat dumplings, long noodles, fondue made from meat, fish or squid. They are very fond of various symbols, so on a holiday they even specially prepare and serve dishes, the names of which resemble good words, and the appearance symbolizes happiness, wealth or longevity.
Step 6
Present for the New Year only money in red envelopes, and only an even amount, which is determined in this country by the first digit (for example, 74 is an odd number). The number 4 should also not be found in the amount of money, and it is highly desirable that it contains an eight, since this word is pronounced almost the same as “wealth”.
Step 7
Put on fireworks outside. The Chinese invented this amazing entertainment, and they still have no equal in the magnificent fireworks they create for the New Year. In addition, on this night in China, all the lights are lit, cars and boats are illuminated. Some go to rivers and lakes and launch boats with candles installed in them.