We begin to prepare for the New Year in advance - we think over the outfits for the holiday and table setting, buy gifts for family and friends, and so that the New Year's mood does not leave us - we install and decorate the Christmas tree a few days before the festival. Few people know, but a Christmas tree decorated according to the rules can have a positive effect on business in the coming year.

Decorating a Christmas tree on New Year's Eve is a great tradition that brings the family together. The time spent doing such an exciting activity flies by quickly, so if you want to stretch it a little more, then try to dress up the green beauty in accordance with the rules that astrologers offer. The upcoming New Year 2018 is the year of the Yellow Earth Dog, so it is better to take tinsel and toys in yellowish-sandy tones as a decor.
It is believed that the patroness of 2018 loves not only yellow and all natural colors, but also red, so do not neglect this beautiful shade, it goes well with green needles.
To add brightness to the Christmas tree, it is advisable to use garlands in white or yellow for decoration, a sparkling element - "rain". To add freshness, decorative snow-white snowflakes are the best fit. In order not to overload the green beauty with flowers, it is better to use two primary colors, for example, in 2018 the most suitable combinations are red with gold, red with white, gold with white, gold with brown, red and yellow.

The recommendations above are given taking into account that a classic green Christmas tree is decorated, but if you need to decorate an artificial Christmas tree with white "needles", then it is better to take toys for decorating it in one color - either in red, or in yellow, or in green. Having decorated the spruce in accordance with the above recommendations, you will appease the main symbol of the year and it will give you many happy days in the coming year.