Toast is an indispensable attribute of almost every holiday! At a corporate party, with family or in a company with friends, toast is an important element of the celebration. It happens that this little speech is rehearsed for months to be on the crest of a wave for 30 seconds!

Ahead of all of us is the New Year 2015, which means that many are already thinking about gifts, costumes, the venue of the holiday, and, of course, no one forgets about toasts. In this little speech, everyone wants to put their whole soul, all their dreams and wishes, hope and faith that the next year will be much happier than the previous one.
You can apply this advice to absolutely any celebration where it is customary to make toasts.
The most important thing in toast is its implementation, implementation. In this case, speech will not become simple and pleasant words, but the immediate future. To learn how to make prophetic toasts, you need to learn one small rule:
toasts must be made not in the future, but in the present tense
This is because this is how human psychology works. The future always flickers somewhere on the horizon and seduces with its iridescent brilliance, but, as a rule, it does not come, and remains flickering on the horizon. Everything that will come later is comparable to fantasy, it is something good, but unattainable, it is pleasant to dream about it, but it is difficult to imagine that you can deservedly get it.
The secret is to learn to think in the present tense. The correct wording is not "Everything will be fine", but "All is well". We will not, but eat.
Any toast is followed by drinking drinks that energetically "take" part of the energy from us, and in order to "give" this energy in a positive way, high-quality toasts are needed, then the energy of desire will intensify, and the negative influence will become a little easier. Who knows, maybe it won't be that hard to wake up on January 1st. Obviously, toast is a very useful thing.
What happens in the end. From any toast, wishes, you just need to remove words like: "we will, we will become", and replace them with words with the meaning "is", of the present tense. How will it look like:
- we / you are happy;
- we / you are rich;
- we / you are loved and loved;
- we / you are healthy.
Approximate version of toast:
"The New Year 2015 is coming and I congratulate all of you on this event. This year we have accomplished many feats and good deeds, this year we have become smarter, wiser and even a little kinder. And the coming year will only strengthen our confidence that we happy, we love and are loved, we are healthy, we are successful and all our dreams come true!"
This is an adapted version of the toast so that the present does not hurt the ear. But the form, where the form of the present tense is clearly emphasized, is also quite acceptable in order to increase the attention of the listeners to why you are pronouncing wishes in the present tense, and not in the usual future form. Well, you’ll tell them the secret of a successful toast. You can make toasts not only in a conversational way, but also come up with a rhyme, taking as a basis some good toast from a book.
Even if toasts in this format sound unusual, everyone at the table will appreciate the wonderful idea and in the near future will find that they have already become rich, loved and healthy!
And the new year will no longer be better than the previous one, but it will be!