In Russia, the bright Christmas continues the series of New Year holidays beloved by the people. It is celebrated on January 7, in different ways adhering to the traditions that have survived from the time of Ancient Rus. For many believers, the long Christmas fast ends, so the festive table can contain a wide variety of dishes. This good holiday can be supplemented with jokes and entertainment. Having got acquainted with some of the traditions of celebrating Christmas, it is easier to decide how to celebrate this holiday.

Step 1
Intensive preparation for the meeting of the great holiday of Orthodox Russians of the Nativity of Christ begins on the eve of January 6, this day is called Christmas Eve. If you follow the old customs, before the Christmas holiday it is necessary to put things in order in the house, wash in the bathhouse, since these days the water is considered healing. Our ancestors saved new clothes for the holiday, prepared certain dishes.
Step 2
According to Russian traditions, on Christmas Eve it is necessary to observe a fast and start a family dinner only after the first star appears in the sky. Exceptionally lean dishes are exhibited on the table, among which jelly or compote are obligatory. Previously, Christmas kutya was served for dinner, and animal-shaped figurines were baked from wheat dough.
Step 3
Closer to midnight they go caroling. Disguised children and adults can visit neighbors and acquaintances, singing carols and telling jokes. The owners prepare a treat for the carols in advance: sweets are handed out to children, adults are usually seated at the table.
Step 4
Christmas is one of our main religious holidays, which is why most Orthodox Christians attend Christmas service. If it is not possible to visit the temple, then the solemn service can be watched on TV.
Step 5
On this holiday, it is customary to go to visit each other, sit at the festive table and have fun. Traditionally, thirteen dishes are prepared for Christmas: a variety of meat and fish dishes, pancakes and gingerbread. Among the abundance of Christmas treats on the table, one of the dishes should symbolize the unity of people and be preserved as a whole (many cook a goose for Christmas). Drinks include jelly, kvass, compote, wine and beer. If there is an odd number of people sitting at the table, an additional device must be installed.
Step 6
To attract wealth and warmth to the house, candles and lights are lit. Bake a pie in the shape of a Christmas star - and the Star of Bethlehem will light up on your holiday table.
Step 7
It is not customary to give expensive gifts at Christmas. Usually these are gifts for luck or souvenirs conceived with a joke. It is good to present Christmas cards with warm, outgoing congratulations, candles of various shapes, miniature figurines and figurines. Going on a visit, as a gift, you can present a cake with the symbols of the bright holiday of the Nativity of Christ.
Step 8
To this day, the customs of fortune-telling and festive festivities on the second day of Christmas have been preserved.