Growing And Caring For Geraniums

Growing And Caring For Geraniums
Growing And Caring For Geraniums

Geranium is a perennial flower, distinguished by a peculiar fragrant smell, bright flowers and longevity. This plant also has antibacterial properties thanks to its special essential oils. Geranium is not a capricious plant, but it still requires some personal care.

Growing and caring for geraniums
Growing and caring for geraniums

Reproduction and cultivation of geranium

You can propagate indoor and garden geraniums using cuttings, which are better harvested in spring or autumn. To do this, they are cut from the apical or lateral shoots so that the main part has a length of 6 cm and 2-3 leaves. After that, the cuttings are dried for several hours, the cut is sprinkled with crushed coal and planted in a small pot. Subsequently, you only need to water the ground, without touching the stem or leaves.

The optimum air temperature for rooting is from 19 to 22 ° C.

Geranium can be grown using seeds, which, as a rule, germinate very well and abundantly. They are planted in a moist and loose substrate, consisting of two parts of sod land, one part of sand and one part of peat. The seeds are sprinkled with 2 cm of soil, the earth is sprayed with a spray bottle, and the box with the planting is covered with glass. Periodically, the ground needs to be moistened and ventilated. After the emergence of seedlings, the glass is removed, and the box with seedlings is placed in a bright place. When the seedlings form several leaves, they are planted in small pots and cared for properly.

Geranium care

Geranium is a light-loving plant, so it should be placed in well-lit places, but at the same time, it is advisable to protect it from direct sunlight. If there is a lack of consecration in the autumn and winter, it is recommended to illuminate it with fluorescent lamps, otherwise the color of its leaves and inflorescences will begin to lose its brightness.

Once or twice a month, geraniums need to be fed with universal fertilizers, especially in the summer. In a pot with this flower, there should be a loose and fertile earthen mixture, as well as good drainage, since with stagnant moisture, geraniums can die as a result of decay of the root system.

In order for the geranium to grow into a beautiful bush, and not a long branch, the tops of the flower should be trimmed from time to time. It is also helpful to remove dry and yellow leaves. In summer, geraniums can be transplanted into a flower garden directly in a pot, but do not forget to water it. And in winter, it is advisable to maintain a temperature regime for it from 10 to 15 ° C.

Ampel varieties of geraniums do not tolerate temperatures below 12 ° C.

In summer, this flower should be watered abundantly, but at the same time you need to constantly monitor that the water drainage system works well and the root system does not start to rot. In winter, geraniums do not require a lot of moisture, so it is enough to water it once a week. But this flower tolerates spraying very badly.
